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Ramirez-Pulido, J.; Gonzalez-Ruiz, N.; Genoways, H.H.
Carnivores from the Mexican state of Puebla: distribution, taxonomy, and conservation
2005  Mastozoologia Neotropical (12): 37-52

We examined 96 museum specimens belonging to 14 species of Carnivora from the Mexican State of Puebla. In addition, four species were documented based on literature records and by indirect evidence. The carnivorous mammals of Puebla belong to 5 families, 18 genera, 18 species and 23 subspecies. Eight of these 23 taxa are reported herein for the first time from the state of Puebla. Of the 18 species, _Herpailurus yagouaroundi, Lontra longicaudis, Taxidea taxus, _and _Galictis vittata _are considered by Norma Oficial Mexicana as threatened species, _Leopardus wiedii _and _Eira barbara _in danger of extinction, and _Potos flavus _is under special protection. We found _Lynx rufus_, _Canis latrans, Taxidea taxus, _and _Bassariscus astutus _were found only in the Nearctic region of the State, whereas _Herpailurus yagouaroundi, Leopardus wiedii, Lontra longicaudis, Galictis vittata, Eira barbara, Potos flavus_, and _Nasua narica _were found only in the Neotropical region of the State. The remaining seven species (_Puma concolor, Urocyon cinereoargenteus, Mustela frenata, Mephitis macroura, Spilogale putorius_, _Conepatus leuconotus, _and _Procyon lotor_) have been taken in both the Nearctic and Neotropical regions. Localities in the Sierra Norte de Puebla had the greatest species richness and abundance of individuals. The carnivores confront serious conservation problems in the state because they are hunted indiscriminately as trophies and by the local residents as harmful species. Moreover they are hunted for economic benefit by the sale of theirs skins or as living pets. The carnivores in some areas are used as food items and for therapeutic proprieties of their fat, skin, or bones. Unfortunately at this time we can't assess the full impact of these activities on the local populations.

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