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Ozgel, O.; Aykut, M.
Macroanatomical investigation on the Ossa Membri Pelvini of Anatolian bobcat
2015  Pakistan Journal of Zoology (47): 1492-1494

The aim of the study was to investigate hind limb bones of a dead adult female bobcat. Fossa acetabuli was deep and incisura acetabuli was formed as wide notch. There was only one protrusion on tuber ischiadicum. It was observed that caput ossis femoris was located more proximal than trochanter major. Tuberositas supracondylaris was determined on the proximal direction of condylus lateralis. Tibia and fibula were completely shaped and had proximal and distal articulations. Joint surface of cochlea tibia observed in oblique form. Two tarsal bones in the proximal and four tarsal bones in the distal row of ossa tarsi were observed. Five metatarsal bones were observed; the first one was rudimentary while the remaining four were in developed form. In conclusion, hind leg bones of bobcat were investigated to complete deficient literature data.

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(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)