IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library


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Oliveira, C.B.; Soares, J.F.; da Silva, A.S.; da Silva, M.K.; Salomao, E.L.; Monteiro, S.G.
Ocorrˆncia de _Giardia_ sp. e _Cryptosporidium_ sp. em _Leopardus wiedii_ de vida livre
2008  Ciencia Rural, Santa Maria (38): 546-547

_Leopardus wiedii_ (gato-maracaj ) is a neotropical mammal with has a wide distribution in Brazil. In the municipality of Cachoeira do Sul, RS, a fecal sample from a specimen captured for treatment was collected and analyzed by the centrifugal-flotation method with zinc sulfate for research of parasites. A large number of cysts of _Giardia_ sp. and oocysts of _Cryptosporidium_ sp. was observed. The results indicate that _L. wiedii_ is a host of these protozoa.

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