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Moreno, V.R.; Grisolia, A.B.; Campagnari, F.; Milazzotto, M.; Adania, C.H.; Garcia, J.F.; de Souza, E.B.
Genetic variability of _Herpailurus yagouaroundi, Puma concolor_ and _Panthera onca_ studied using _Felis catus_ microsatellites
2006  Genetics and Molecular Biology (29): 290-293

We used four microsatellite loci (_Fca08_, _Fca45_, _Fca77 _and _Fca96_) from the domestic cat, _Felis catus_, to investigate genetic variability in specimens of _Herpailurus yagouaroundi _(jaguarundi, otter cat, eyra), _Puma concolor _(cougar, mountain lion, puma) and _Panthera onca _(jaguar) held in various Brazilian zoos. Samples of DNA from the cats were PCR amplified and then sequenced before being analyzed using the CERVUS program. Our results show a mean polymorphic information content (PIC) of 0.83 for _H. yagouaroundi_, 0.66 for _P. concolor _and 0.69 for _P. onca _and a mean of 10.3 alleles for the _Fca08 _locus, 5.3 for _Fca 45_, 9 for _Fca 77 _and 14 for _Fca 96_. These results indicate a relatively high level of genetic diversity for the specimens studied.

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(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)