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Lay, D.M.
A study of the mammals of Iran resulting from the Street expedition of 1962-63
1967  Fieldiana Zoology (54): 1-282

A narrative account cursorily describes the physiography and general ecology observed along the routes taken in Iran by the W. S. and J. K. Street Expedition. Separate from the narrative and arranged alphabetically by the name of the collecting locality, ecological description of each of the places where the expedition paused to study and collect tells what mammals were found in what sort of biotic communities. A gazetteer is provided with the coordinates of, or appropriate remarks on, every Iranian locality cited in the text. The distribution data for Iran published before 1963, for each of the 99 species represented by the 1719 mammal specimens obtained by the expedition, and the 26 other species known from Iran is summarized for the first time since 1876.

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