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Inverarity, J.D.
Notes on the Mammalia of Somali land
1891  Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (6): 457-478

There is a considerable variety of animal life in the Somali country, and it is the object of these notes to give a short account of the animals I met with in two sporting expeditions I made there. The first, in 1889, was cut short at the end of a fortnight by a misadventure, the second, in 1890, occupied two months. In the part of the country I was in there was no agriculture whatever. The different tribes are nomads and wander about their respective territories with their flocks of sheep and goats and herds of cattle and camels to wherever they find pasture. The presence of these flocks is detrimental to sport among the antelopes, but on the other hand they are a source of attraction to the lion, and I found that the best ground for lions was in the neighbourhood of Somali encampments. I was fortunate in getting good specimens of almost all the animals which are found within a hundred miles of the coast.

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