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Hassinger, J.D.
A survey of the mammals of Afghanistan
1973  Full Book

The present survey of 84 terrestrial mammal species known from or thought to occur in Afghanistan provides a compendious history of contributions, an account of each species including a map of records and estimated distribution, and a gazetteer of localities cited in text. It is based on a collection of 1,313 specimens contained in 58 species resulting from the 1965 Street Expedition, and on a critical review of publications and other collections. Hassinger (1968) furnishes an introduction to the present paper and to the 1965 Street Expedition, its goals, organization, fieldwork, and preliminary results. The reader is referred to that introduction, especially to sections on physiography, climate, phytogeography, and mammal habitat. Excluding bats, this survey summarizes most of what is known about Afghan mammals, and therein shows that knowledge of this fauna is fragmentary and for some species virtually nonexistent. Twenty species are either not found in museum collections or are poorly represented by a single specimen, a skull, or by skins purchased from a furrier. This volume will have served its purpose if, in calling attention to and delineating such deficiencies, it arouses a general awareness of the need for further research.

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