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Fenton, L.L.
Tiger attacking a bear
1910  Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (19): 979-979

I do not remember to have heard of a tiger attacking a bear, until last cold weather, when shooting in the Central Provinces. When making inquiries of an old _Karmar_, who spent his life in fishing and hunting, regarding the game to be found in the district, he casually remarked that a lame bear used to frequent a certain part of the jungle, but that it had quite recently been killed and eaten by a tiger. He was quite positive of the fact -- in support of which he advanced the evidence that he found the partially devoured remains of the bear in the bed of the river and the sand showed ample evidence of there having been a fierce struggle between it and a tiger which in the end had come off victorious and made a meal off his foe! A few days afterwards when passing the spot he pointed out some of the bear's hairs lying scattered about the place -- the carcase having been cleared away by animals. He said the bear was a large one, but for a long time past -- for he had often seen it in the neighbourhood -- he had noticed that it was lame. I had no reason for doubting the man's words, but the incident was certainly a very unusual one.

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