IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library


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Feiler, A.; Stefen, C.
Tigers in the collection of the Museum fr Tierkunde Dresden
2009  Lynx, series nova (40): 153-162

In the Senckenberg Natural History collection Dresden, Museum fr Tierkunde Dresden there are specimens of five tiger forms, which are briefly introduced with morphometric data. The material includes four skulls of the extinct Javan tiger _Panthera sondaica sondaica_, one skull of the Sumatran tiger, _P_. _sumatrae_, six specimens of wild caught Siberian Tiger, _P_. _tigris altaica_, as well as material of Indochinese tiger, _P_. _tigris corbetti_, and Bengal tiger, _P_. _tigris tigris_. The specimens of particular interest are figured, some more tiger specimens mainly from zoos are present.

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