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Ragni, B.; Lapini, L.; Perco, F.
Situazione attuale del gatto selvatico Felis silvestris silvestris e della lince Lynx lynx nell'area delle Alpi sud-orientali
1987  Biogeographia (131): 867-901

The authors examine the present situation of European wild cat and lynx in northeastern Italy. After the examination of 56 records for wild cats and 38 for lynx, they conclude that wild cats lives a very good population situation in this area, while for lynx a critical examination of records and sightings suggest that in NE Italy the only stabilized population lives in the southern Dolomites. The lynx is also present in Friuli-Venezia Giulia but only occasionally. The authors give also ecological, morphometrical and ornamentational considerations on wild cats and compare the NE Italy situation with that of the rest of Italy.

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(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)