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Breitenmoser, U.; Brki, R.; Lanz, T.; Pittet, M.; von Arx, M.; Breitenmoser-Wrsten, C.
The recovery of wolf and lynx in the Alps: Biological and ecological parameters and wildlife management systems
2016  Full Book

Lynx, wolf and brown bear are making a comeback in the Alps, forming a considerable manage-ment challenge wherever they appear. On the one hand, they are protected species in all Alpine countries; on the other hand, they cause conflicts with traditional land uses such as livestock hus-bandry and hunting, and fear among the local people. Another challenge is the spatial scale of (viable) large carnivore populations, which goes much beyond traditional wildlife management units and therefore calls for transboundary cooperation. The options of international collaboration in wildlife conservation across the Alps are discussed in the frame of the Platform WISO of the Alpine Conven-tion. The project RowAlps (Recovery of Wildlife in the Alps) aims to provide scientific and tech-nical/administrative assistance to the WISO Platform by compiling (1) relevant biological, ecological and wildlife management information, (2) reviewing human dimension aspects and factors influenc-ing people's tolerance towards large carnivores, and (3) translating these findings into suggestions for practical management options or scenarios. This report covers the natural science part of the baseline information, with the Objective to "_review and assess, based on available scientific publica-tions and reports, statistical materials and up-to-date experience, the present situation of wolf, lynx and their prey populations in the Alps, the expected development of the populations, and discuss chal-lenges in wildlife management as a consequence of the return of the large carnivores_".

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