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Balkan Lynx Strategy Group,
Strategy for the conservation of the Balkan lynx in "the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia" and Albania
2008  Full Book

Nature conservation representatives from governmental agencies, universities and important interest groups from Albania and "the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia" met in Peshtani, MK, on 3-4 June 2008 for a participatory workshop for the development of a Conservation Strategy for the Balkan lynx. The meeting was hold under the auspices of the Bern Convention, Council of Europe. Results of the baseline survey were presented to the participants to provide background information (Chapter 2). The aim of the workshop was to define common goals and objectives for the conservation of the Critically Endangered Balkan lynx population and to identify activities on the range level (Chapter 5) based on an assessment of problems and enabling conditions in the two countries (Chapter 4). During the two day workshop, the participants agreed on a long-term vision as "The southwest Balkans will be a region committed to sustainable development and the conservation of its natural and cultural heritage". The mid-term goal has been defined as "Secure a viable population of the Balkan lynx living in a matrix of protected and sustainably managed habitat in coexistence with the rural population." The most important threats facing the Balkan lynx, as revealed during the problem analysis of the workshop, are poaching of lynx despite its legal protection, the small size and isolation of its population and habitat degradation caused by non-sustainable land use practices. The workshop participants have furthermore assessed the shortcomings in (their) capacity to conserve the lynx (Gaps) and factors restraining lynx conservation and recovery (Constraints) but also came up with a list of strengths and enabling conditions that favour conservation measures for the Balkan lynx. To achieve the goal of to "Secure a viable population of the Balkan lynx living in a matrix of protected and sustainably managed habitat in coexistence with the rural population", eleven objectives were identified each with 1-5 targets and 1-9 activities proposed to direct the achievement of each objective. This Strategy for the Conservation of the Balkan lynx will, once endorsed by relevant governmental institutions of Albania and "the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia", serve as basis for the development of National Actions Plans as implementing tools for the Strategy. The Stragey and the more concrete Action Plans wil provide a road map for the recovery and long-term conservation of the Balkan lynx.

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