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Balciauskas, L.; Balciauskiene, L.; Litvaitis, J.A.; Tuusas, E.
Preliminary impressions of a citizen-scientist effort to monitor large carnivores in Lithuania
2017  Beitr„ge zur Jagd- und Wildforschung (42): 37-41

Four species of large carnivores (further LC) are currently found in Lithuania. Two of these, wolves (_Canis lupus_) and lynxes (_Felis lynx_) have permanent populations; whereas brown bears (_Ursus arctos_) are transient (but occasionally hibernate in country) and golden jackals (_Canis aureus_) only recently colonized Lithuania and other Baltic countries. Conservation status of brown bears in the Lithuanian Red Data Book is category 0 (Ex) - extinct, lynx is category 1 (E) - endangered, wolves and golden jackals are game species with regulated harvest seasons.

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(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)