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Pellerin, M.; Abdoulaye, M.; Mohamed, Y.I.; Huguet, N.
Inventaire preliminaire de la faune de la Reserve villageoise de faune Rapidalibori
2009  Full Book

The present study was realised within the Village Wildlife Reserve Project (RAPIDALIBORI). The aim was to create the first qualitative and quantitative inventory of the fauna in the Village Wildlife Reserve Rapidalibori, with focus on the mammals and birds, incl. their distribution and relative abundance. In total, 106.1 km of transects were surveyed. Twenty-two species of mammals and 34 species of birds were found.The large herbivores, which are of particular interest for tourism, included: elephant (_Loxodonta africana_), Sudanese buffalo (_Syncerus caffer brachyceros_), Roan antelope (_Hippotragus equinus koba_), Western hartebeest (_Alcephalus buselaphus major_), waterbuck (_Kobus ellipsiprymnus defassa_), and Buffon's kob (_Kobus (Adenota) kob kob_). Almost all observations were indirect: tracks, scat... Apart from one indirect observation of spotted hyena (_Crocuta crocuta_) we did not find any signs of large carnivores such as lion (_Panthera leo_), cheetah (_Acinonyx jubatus_) or African wild dog (_Lycaon pictus_). However, signs of various small carnivores were found such a golden jackal (_Canis aureus_) and African wild cat (_Felis silvestris libyca_).

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(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)