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Duvall, C.S.
Important habitat for chimpanzees in Mali
2000  African Study Monographs (21): 173-203

Analysis of botanical data is presented from the standpoint of chimpanzee natural history. The Sudano-Guinean gallery forest type dominated by the tree _Gilletiodendron glandulosum _appears to be important habitat for chimpanzees due to vegetation structure, presence of permanent surface water, and, particularly, abundance of diverse food plants throughout the year. Based on fecal analysis, observation of feeding remains, observation of sympatric primates, ethnographic research, and literature review, sixty probable chimpanzee food plants have been identified in the _Gilletiodendron _forest of Mali. Phytogeographical analysis indicates that chimpanzees in Mali's Sudanian climate zone eat mainly Sudano-Guinean plant species. Heavy reliance on Sudano-Guinean vegetation may indicate that modern chimpanzee populations in savanna areas are relicts, and that the species was originally adapted to mesic Guinean forests. There appears to be niche separation based on topography between humans and chimpanzees which breaks down in times of human food shortage, and the potential for competition is high.

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