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Silva, C.C.
Pesquisa de anticorpos anti-_Toxoplasma gondii_ em fel¡deos selvagens nos munic¡pios de CapitÆo Po‡o e Bel‚m, Par 
2008  Full Book

Toxoplasmosis is one of the most widespread zoonosis in the world caused by _Toxoplasma gondii_, a protozoan that has in felids its unique and definitive host. Twenty one animals of four species were avaluated, Jaguarundi (_Herpailurus yaguarondi_), Ocelot (_Leopardus pardalis_), Margay (_Leopardus wiedii_), Jaguars (_Panthera onca_) to investigate the occurrence of toxoplasmosis in two municipalities of Par  State, using two serological assays, indirect hemagglutination, (IHA), direct modified agglutionation (MAT) and coproparasitologic examination. From the tested animals, 18 were positive (85,72%). Twelve (57,14%) animals by the IHA and 14 (66.66%) by the MAT, were seropositive. In both utilized techniques there were no statistical differences between seropositivity and the genus. In the _Herpailurus _genus 4,6% of seropositivity was found in both tests; in the _Leopardus_ 19,05% by IHA and 28,57% by MAT; and in the _Panthera_ 33,33% in both techniques. Similar results were verified in 11 animals. Comparing both techniques, there were no statistical differences. Higher titers were obtained from a margay (1024) by MAT. No oocysts of _T. gondii_ were found in the studied animals. It was verified high occurrence of toxoplasmosis in the studied areas and both techniques are efficient for serologic diagnoses of this disease.

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(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)