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Guimaraes, A.M.d.S.
Detec‡Æo de micoplasmas, bartonelas e v¡rus da leucemia felina em pequenos fel¡deos neotropicais mantidos em cativeiro no Ref£gio Bela Vista, Foz do Igua‡u
2008  Full Book

Total blood samples and oropharinx and conjunctival swabs were collected from 57 neotropical felids (1 _Leopardus geoffroyi_, 17 _L. wiedii_, 22 _L. tigrinus_, 14 _L. pardalis_ and 3 _Puma yagouaroundi_) maintained in captivity at Ref£gio Bela Vista, Foz do Igua‡u. Clinical data hemogram and clinical history of these animals were available. Clinical materials obtained from orpharinx and conjunctiva were cultured in specific media for _Mycoplasma_ spp isolation. DNA of blood and swabs were extracted using a commercially available kit and a boiling method, respectively. DNA samples from swabs were submitted to a PCR for the detection of _Mollicutes _and _M. felis_. DNA samples from blood were submitted to a PCR for detection of _Mycoplasma haemofelis_ (Mhf), "_Candidatus_ M. haemominutum" (CMhm), feline leukemia virus (FeLV) proviral DNA, and _Bartonella_ spp. The association between hematological alterations and bartonella infection was evaluated and a risk factor analysis was performed. Only 1 (1.75%) animal was positive for Mhf reaction, whereas all animals were negative for CMhm detection. Two (3.5%) animals were positives for FeLV and 6 (10.52%) animals were positive for _Bartonella_ spp, by PCR. Co-infections among these agents were not observed. Five (8.77%) mycoplasma isolates were obtained from oropharinx samples and none was obtained from conjunctival samples. _Mollicutes_ DNA was detected in 53 (93%) and 27 (47.36%) samples from oropharinx and conjunctiva, respectively. All samples were negative for _M. felis_ detection. Hematological alterations (anemia, dehydration, leukocytosis, leucopenia, history of anemia) were not associated to _Bartonella_ spp infection. Males are more likely to be infected than females. This is the first report of FeLV proviral DNA in _L. tigrinus_ and _L. pardalis_ in Southern Brazil, of _B. henselae_ DNA in _L. tigrinus_, _L. pardalis, L. geoffroyi_ and _P. yagouaroundi_, and the first study of risk factors for _Bartonella_ spp infection in neotropical felids.

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(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)