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de Oliveira, J.E.
Avalia‡Æo de impacto ambiental: atropelamentos de mamiferos silvestres na rodovia BR-242 entre o AHE-Peixe Angical e o munic¡pio de Gurup¡, estado do Tocantins
2006  Full Book

The evaluation of overrun animals occurring in roads constructed to access new and large-scale hydropower dams is an important issue in the environmental impact of such projects. The construction can generate a great harmful impact of such projects. The construction can generate a great harmful impact on wild animals due to the increased vehicle flow and the subsequent animal mortality by overrunning. The present work aims to quantify the frequency of overrunning of wild mammals during the building of the Hydroelectric Dam of Angical Peixe, located in the South region of the State of tocantins. For quantifying the overrun mammals 44 field campaigns were carried out at random between January and December 2005, covering 115 km of highway running from the labour settlement and the cities of Peixe and Gurupi. Forty three mammals were found dead after running 5.060 km, of passage, they had been registered 49 individuals, getting an average of 0,96 dead mammals/km over the sampled area in that period of time. 18 species were registered as dead animals. Among them the Puma (_Puma concolor_), the Jaquatirica (_Leopardus pardalis_), the Tamandua-flag (_Myrmecophaga tridactyla_), the Guara Wolf (_Chrysocyon brachyurus_) and the Jungle Cat (_Leopardus wiedii_) are included in the Brazilian List of Threatened Species (IBAMA, 2003).

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(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)