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da Rocha, V.M.
Parƒmetros eletrocardigr ficos de felideos selvagens da amaz“nia criados em cativeiro no estado do par , tranquilizados com ketamina e cloridrato de xilazina
2009  Full Book

Intended to establish the parameters for electrocardiographic wild cats of the Amazon - _Panthera onca_ (jaguar), _Leopardus pardalis_ (ocelot), _Leopardus wiedii_ (margay) e _Herpailurus yaguarondi_ (jaguarundi). Among these cats, 17 animals belonged to the Park Zoo Dr. Adhemar Monteiro (CapitÆp Po‡o/PA) and 2 animals to the 2ø BatalhÆo de Infantaria de Selva (Bel‚m/PA). Although the electrocardiographic examination does not cause pain to animals, it is necessary to carry out chemical containment, since the animals are dangerous and stressful. Thus, a protocol was put in place to contain chemicals, to prevent leakage, excessive stress and protect the physical integrity of the animal and the investigator/assistant. Before being sedated, the animals underwent abstinence from food for 24 hours and water for 12 hours. They were anesthetized with ketamine (10 mg/kg) combined with xylazine (1 mg/kg) using darts with the aid of a blowpipe or through syringes and needles. In the implementation of the electrocardiogram using the same protocol used for domestic animals. The mean heart rate were the following: 90 bpm for ocelots, 106 bpm margay, 166 bpm jaguarundi, and 91 bpm jaguar. The most common rhythm detected was normal sinus rhythm. QRS complexes were predominantly positive in leads DI, DII, DIII, and AVF, and negative in AVR and AVL. The parameters observed during this study, described for domestic carnivores were analyzed, and they did not greatly differ from those of larges felids, taking into account the greater weight and corporal mass of large felids. This is a pioneering study in order to solve problems related to the ECG of wild cats of the Amazon. Wider investigations on the same subject are necessary to establish criteria for the recognition of abnormalities in these species and should be include other anethetic drug(s) combinations and reports of electrocardiographic features of animals with cardiac disease and electrolytes disturbances.

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(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)