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Rodgers, P.D.; Pienaar, E.F.
Amenity or Nuisance? Understanding and managing human-panther conflicts in exurban southwest Florida
2017  Human Dimensions of Wildlife (22): 295-313

Golden Gate Estates (GGE), an exurban development in southwest Florida, is the site of the highest recorded number of conflicts between people and the Florida panther. We used qualitative data provided by 157 GGE residents and 19 nonresident stakeholders to investigate attitudes toward the panther, and appropriate measures to mitigate human-panther conflicts. Although a subset of GGE residents expressed some concerns about human safety risks associated with living with the panther, a higher share of residents viewed the panther positively. Residents and nonresident stakeholders agreed that GGE residents are responsible for securing their livestock against panthers. This point of agreement may improve adoption of appropriate practices to prevent human-panther conflicts. Outreach and education programs should reinforce expectations within the GGE community that residents are responsible for securing livestock against predators and adopting other conflict mitigation practices, as well as encouraging positive attitudes toward the panther.

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(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)