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Skead, C.J.
Mammals of the Uitenhage and Cradock districts C.P. in recent times
1958  Koedoe (1): 19-59

In so far as extant mammals are concerned, the accompanying checklist has been based, where possible, on specimens obtained in the districts concerned, but as no full-scale zoological surveys of these districts have yet been undertaken, much of the information has been derived from the distributional evidence of contiguous districts. The disappearance of some of the fauna under the pressure of civilisation has meant a recourse to the records of early naturalists, travellers, hunters, military men and missionaries, and, although about a hundred such works have been consulted, not all have been used in the compilation of this report. Correspondence with members of the farming community has also been of great value. The lists as here set out reveal that in Cradock there have been 78 known forms of mammals plus an extra seven possibilities and in Uitenhage there have been 97, plus an extra five possiblities. Of these, in both districts, 13 are now extinct in their feral state, but although the tally is alike, the same animals are not necessarily concerned in each case.

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