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Bateman, J.A.
The mammals occurring in the Bredasdorp and Swellendam districts, C.P., since European settlement
1961  Koedoe (4): 78-100

Following the list and discussion of the mammals in the Cradock and Uitenhage districts, C.P., presented by C. J. Skead, I was requested by the Director, National Parks Board of Trustees, to supply similar information for the Swellendam district, related to the proposed removal of the Bontebok National Park to an area adjoining the town of Swellendam. Owing to the proximity of the two districts, and bearing in mind the present location of the Bontebok Reserve, it was decided that a list of mammals in the Bredasdorp district be included and, following the wishes of the National Parks Board of Trustees, the list supplied herewith sets out, side by side, the mammals of Cradock, Uitenhage, Bredasdorp and Swellendam districts. This facilitates, at a glance, a comparison of the indigenous mammals of the Mountain Zebra National Park, the Addo Elephant National Park, the present Bontebok National Park and the proposed Bontebok National Park. The list includes mammals introduced directly, or indirectly, by man and also shows where types, once extinct, are being re-introduced into reserves and private estates - a welcome approach by the present-day farmer compensating for the ravages wrought by his ancestors.

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(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)