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Garcia, J.A.M.; Martinez, G.D.M.; Plata, F.X.; Rosas, O.C.R.; Arambula, L.A.T.; Bender, L.C.
Use of prey by sympatric bobcat (_Lynx rufus_) and coyote (_Canis latrans_) in the Izta-Popo National Park, Mexico
2014  The Southwestern Naturalist (89): 167-172

To investigate dietary differences in two coexisting competing predators, we determined prey consumed by bobcats (_Lynx rufus_) and coyotes (_Canis latrans_) from scats in the Izta-Popo National Park, central Mexico. Use of prey by bobcats and coyotes showed a Pianka's index of overlap of 0.94, much higher than in other studies of the diet of these two species. Diets of bobcats were comprised primarily of eastern cottontail (_Sylvilagus floridanus_, 33.7%), rodents (22.7%), Mexican cottontail (_S. cunicularius_, 13.1%), the endemic and endangered volcano rabbit (_Romerolagus diazi_, 12.5%), Merriam's pocket gopher (_Pappogeomys merriani,_ 9.3%), and long-tailed partridge (_Dendrortyx macroura_, 1.4%). Prey used by coyotes included primarily eastern cottontail (43.8%), rodents (15.7%), Mexican cottontail (12.0%), Merriam's pocket gopher (6.4%), and volcano rabbit (5.5%).

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(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)