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Elbroch, L.M.; Hoogesteijn, R.; Quigley, H.
Cougars (_Puma concolor_) killed by North American Porcupines (_Erethizon dorsatum_)
2016  The Canadian Field-Naturalist (130): 53-55

Predation is inherently risky, and Cougars (_Puma concolor_) are occasionally injured while hunting prey. Between 2001 and 2015, we documented the cause of death of 59 Cougars (22 subadults and 37 adults) in the Southern Yellowstone Ecosystem, Wyoming. Here we report on 2 animals (9% of subadult mortalities) killed as a result of complications after hunting North American Porcupines (_Erethizon dorsatum_). We also report an observation of a Cougar killed in Venezuela by quills of a Prehensile-tailed Porcupine (_Coendou prehensilis_). Porcupines may kill and wound more Cougars than previously suspected and may be an important cause of mortality, at least for subadult animals.

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(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)