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Zieger, U.; Cauldwell, A.
Wildlife ecology and management - Practical aspects for Zambian game ranges
1998  Full Book

Game ranching in Zambia is a developing industry. It is less than a decade since the Zambian government legitimised ownership of game on private ranches. This step opened the door for prospective ranchers to invest in this new field. Many private game ranches have since been established and more are in the process of planning. Initially, the National Parks and Wildlife Service provided game stock from their estates for translocation to private ranches. Now however, most animals required for the establishment of new breeding herds can be supplied by private ranches. It is the purpose of this book to provide information about the ecological requirements of common Zambian game animals and about some of the more pressing issues when establishing a game ranch and managing it on a day to day basis. The concepts explained in this book are aimed primarily at the smaller ranches up to a few thousand hectares in size in which intense management inputs are necessary. This book is not intended to replace existing literature available on this topic, but is understood as a complementary practical guide, attempting to give concrete, simplified and down-to-earth guidelines. Figures and examples are included where these are felt necessary. In doing so, the authors are fully aware of the inherent danger of having applied learned knowledge, personal experience and opinions to derive at guidelines that might be useful in many cases but wrong in others. Any positive or negative feedback from readers would be greatly appreciated. The future of the game ranching industry looks positive. The number of game ranches is increasing, the market is expanding and game ranching is becoming economically more feasible. There is however, another function that renders game ranches invaluable: they contribute directly to a nation.s nature conservation efforts. Protection of the environment is an essential requirement for private game ranches to operate successfully. Through active management, these ranches improve the overall conservation status of game and can provide a breeding nucleus of endangered, rare and vulnerable game species for restocking of government controlled land.

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