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As a standard, we used in every reference the scientific name of the species and the country concerned as keywords. For the countries, we used codes consisting of a number for the continent or region and two letters for the country. Articles concerning whole regions (continents a. o.) got the abbreviation of the continent. You can find all codes in the file Country Codes Cat Library. We added keywords to methods, themes, regions, subject and others topics.


            834 items matching your query were found in the database.  

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Barlow, A.C.D.; Smith, J.L.D.; Ahmad, I.U.; Hossain, A.N.M.; Rahman, M.; Howlader, A. 2011 Female tiger _Panthera tigris_ home range size in the Bangladesh Sundarbans: the value of this mangrove ecosystem for the species' conservation
Oryx (45)
Harihar, A.; Pandav, B.; Goyal, S.P. 2011 Responses of leopard _Panthera pardus_ to the recovery of a tiger _Panthera tigris_ population
Journal of Applied Ecology (48)
Conrad, K. 2011 Wild Tiger needs New Blood, New Ideas
IWMC World Conservation Trust (March-April 2011)
Goodrich, J.M.; Seryodkin, I.V.; Miquelle, D.G.; Kerley, L.L.; Quigley, H.B.; Hornocker, M.G. 2011 Effects of canine breakage on tiger survival, reproduction and human-tiger conflict
Journal of Zoology (285)
Jhala, Y.V.; Gopal, R.; Quershi, Q.; Sinha, P.R. 2011 Status of tigers, co-predators and prey in India, 2010
Full Book
Karanth, K.U. 2011 India's Tiger Counts: The Long March to Reliable Science
Economic and Political Weekly (46)
Karanth, K.U.; Gopalaswamy, A.M.; Kumar, N.S.; Delampady, M.; Nichols, J.D.; Seidensticker, J.; Noon, B.R.; Pimm, S.L. 2011 Counting India's Wild Tigers Reliably
Science (332)
Karanth, K.U.; Gopalaswamy, A.M.; Kumar, N.S.; Vaidyanathan, S.; Nichols, J.D.; MacKenzie, D.I. 2011 Monitoring carnivore populations at the landscape scale: occupancy modelling of tigers from sign surveys
Journal of Applied Ecology (48)
Sunarto, S. 2011 Ecology and restoration of Sumatran tigers in forest and plantation landscape
Full Book
Tilson, R.; Nyhus, P.J.; Muntifering, J.R. 2011 Yin and Yang of tiger conservation in China
Book Chapter
Mazak, J.H.; Christiansen, P.; Kitchener, A.C. 2011 Oldest Known Pantherine Skull and Evolution of the Tiger
PLoS ONE (6)
Wibisono, H.T.; Linkie, M.; Guillera-Arroita, G.; Smith, J.A.; Sunarto, S.; Pusparini, W.; Asriadi, A.; Baroto, P.; Karina, I.; Kiswayadi, D.; Kristiantono, D.; Kurniawan, H.; Lahoz-Monfort, J.J.; Leader-Williams, N.; Maddox, T.; Martyr, D.J.; Maryati, M.; Nugroho, A.; Parakkasi, K.; Priatna, D.; Ramadiyanta, E.; Ramono, W.S.; Reddy, G.V.; Rood, E.J.J.; Saputra, D.Y.; Sarimudi, A.; Salampessy, A.; Septayuda, E.; Suhartono, T.; Sumantri, A.; Susilo, S.; Tanjung, I.; Tarmizi, T.; Yulianto, K.; Yunus, M.; Zulfahmi, Z. 2011 Population Status of a Cryptic Top Predator: An Island-Wide Assessment of Tigers in Sumatran Rainforests
PLoS ONE (6 )
McDonald-Madden, E.; Chades, I.; McCarthy, A.; Linkie, M.; Possingham, H.P. 2011 Allocating conservation resources between areas where persistence of a species is uncertain
Ecological Applications (21)
Linkie, M.; Ridout, M.S. 2011 Assessing tiger-prey interactions in Sumatran rainforests
Journal of Zoology (284)
Reddy, P.A.; Kumaraguru, A.; Yadav, P.R.; Ramyashree, A.; Bhagavatula, J.; Shivaji, S. 2011 Studies to determine presence or absence of the Indian tiger (_Panthera tigris tigris_) in Kawal Wildlife Sanctuary, India
European Journal of Wildlife Research (57)
Sharma, R.; Stuckas, H.; Bhaskar, R.; Khan, I.; Goyal, S.P.; Tiedemann, R. 2011 Genetically distinct population of Bengal tiger (_Panthera tigris tigris_) in Terai Arc Landscape (TAL) of India
Mammalian Biology (76)
Alasaad, S.; Soriguer, R.C.; Chelomina, G.; Sushitsky, Y.P.; Fickel, J. 2011 Siberian tiger's recent population bottleneck in the Russian Far East revealed by microsatellite markers
Mammalian Biology (76)
Forrest, J.L.; Bomhard, B.; Budiman, A.; Coad, L.; Cox, N.; Dinerstein, E.; Hammer, D.; Huang, C.; Huy, K.; Kraft, R.; Lysenko, I.; Magrath, W. 2011 Single-species conservation in a multiple-use landscape: current protection of the tiger range
Animal Conservation (14)
Guillera-Arroita, G.; Morgan, B.J.T.; Ridout, M.S.; Linkie, M. 2011 Species Occupancy Modeling for Detection Data Collected Along a Transect
Journal of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Statistics (16)
Kalle, R.; Ramesh, T.; Qureshi, Q.; Sankar, K. 2011 Density of tiger and leopard in a tropical deciduous of Mudumalai Tiger Reserve, southern India, as estimated using photographic capture-recapture sampling
Acta Theriologica (56)
Kanagaraj, R.; Wiegand, T.; Kramer-Schadt, S.; Anwar, M.; Goyal, S.P. 2011 Assessing habitat suitability for tiger in the fragmented Terai Arc Landscape of India and Nepal
Ecography (34)
Miller, A.; Leighty, K.A.; Maloney, M.A.; Kuhar, C.W.; Bettinger, T.L. 2011 How access to exhibit space impacts the behavior of female tigers (_Panthera tigris_)
Zoo Biology (30)
Andre, M.R.; Adania, C.H.; Allegretti, S.M.; Machado, R.Z. 2011 Hemoplasmas in wild canids and felids in Brazil
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine (42)
Bujarbarua, P.; Sen, P. 2011 Pakke tiger reserve: an overview 
Tigerpaper (38)
Halder, N.K. 2011 Scientific approach for tiger conservation in the Sundarbans
Tigerpaper (38)
Kapfer, P.M.; Streby, H.M.; Gurung, B.; Simcharoen, A.; McDougal, C.C.; Smith, J.L.D. 2011 Fine-scale spatio-temporal variation in tiger _Panthera tigris_ diet: effect of study duration and extent on estimates of tiger diet in Chitwan National Park, Nepal
Wildlife Biology (17)
Mondal, P.; Nagendra, H. 2011 Trends of Forest Dynamics in Tiger Landscapes Across Asia
Environmental Management (48)
Tian, Y.; Wu, J.; Smith, A.T.; Wang, T.; Kou, X.; Ge, J. 2011 Population viability of the Siberian Tiger in a changing landscape: Going, going and gone?
Ecological Modelling (222)
Dickman, A.J.; Macdonald, E.A.; MacDonald, D.W. 2011 A review of financial instruments to pay for predator conservation and encourage human-carnivore coexistence
Pnas (108)
Wikramanayake, E.; Dinerstein, E.; Seidensticker, J.; Lumpkin, S.; Pandav, B.; Shrestha, M.; Mishra, H.; Ballou, J.; Johnsingh, A.J.T.; Chestin, I.; Sunarto, S.; Thinley, P.; Thapa, K.; Jiang, G.; Elagupillay, S.; Kafley, H.; Pradhan, N.M.B.; Jigme, K.; Teak, S.; Cutter, P.; Aziz, A.; Than, U. 2011 A landscape-based conservation strategy to double the wild tiger population
Conservation Letters (4)
Zakaria, M.; Sanei, A. 2011 Conservation and management prospects of the Persian and Malayan leopards
Asia Life Sciences Supplement (7)
Karanth, K.U.; Nichols, J.D.; Kumar, N.S. 2011 Estimating tiger abundance from camera trap data: field surveys and analytical issues
Book Chapter
Karanth, K.U.; Nichols, J.D.; Kumar, N.S.; Jathanna, D. 2011 Estimation of demographic parameters in a tiger population from long-term camera trap data
Book Chapter
Pinjarkar, V. 2011 No captive carnivores back in wild: Research
Hargreaves, R. 2011 China's tiger farms much law but little justice
Journal of the WildCat Conservation Legal Aid Society (5)
Karki, J.B. 2011 Occupancy and abundance of tigers and their prey in the Terai Arc Landscape, Nepal
Full Book
Feng, L.; Wang, T.; Mou, P.; Kou, X.; Ge, J. 2011 First image of an Amur leopard recorded in China
Cat News (55)
Kawanishi, K.; Aik, Y.C.; John, E.; Gumal, M.; Sukor, S. 2011 Malaysia, a leading country for green infrasturcture
Cat News (55)
Miller, C.S.; Petrunenko, Y.K.; Goodrich, J.M.; Hebblewhite, M.; Seryodkin, I.V.; Miquelle, D.G. 2011 Translocation a success, but poaching remains a problem for Amur tigers
Cat News (55)
Sharma, R.K.; Qureshi, Q.; Jhala, Y.V. 2011 Home range size of a tigress in Sundarbans, India: preliminary results
Cat News (54)
Andriana, 2011 Potensi Populasi dan Karakteristik Habitat Harimau Sumatera (_Panthera tigris sumatrae_, Pocock 1929) di Hutan Blangraweu - Ekosistem Ulu Masen, Provinsi Aceh
Full Book
Fata, I. 2011 Aplikasi SIG untuk Analisis Distribusi Populasi Harimau Sumatera (_Panthera tigris sumatrae_, Pocock 1929) dan Satwa Mangsanya di Hutan Blang Raweu, Kawasan Ekosistem Ulu Masen, Aceh
Full Book
Olviana, E.K. 2011 Pendugaan Populasi Harimau Sumatera _Panthera tigris sumatera_, Pocock 1929 Menggunakan Metode Kamera Jebakan Di Taman Nasional Berbak
Full Book
Putra, A.E. 2011 Kajian Musim Kawin Harimau Sumatera (_Panthera tigris sumatrae_) pada Lembaga Konservasi di Indonesia
Full Book
Saputra, D. 2011 Perbandingan Profil Kelahiran antara _Panthera tigris sumatrae_ (Pocock 1929) dengan _Panthera tigris altaica_ (Temminck 1848) di Habitat _Ex-Situ_
Full Book
Yanti, E. 2011 Kajian Karakteristik Habitat dan Pola Sebaran Spasial Macan Tutul Jawa (_Panthera pardus melas_ Cuvier, 1809) di Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun-Salak
Full Book
Gtrp, 2011 Global Tiger Recovery Program 2010-2022
Full Book
Pokheral, C.P. 2011 Ecology and conservation of tiger and leopard in a subtropical lowland area, Nepal
Full Book
Tempa, T.; Norbu, N.; Dhendup, P.; Nidup, T. 2011 Results from a camera trapping exercise for estimating tiger population size in the lower foothills of Royal Manas National Park
Full Book
Tobgay, S.; Wangdi, S.; Wangmo, S.; Gyeltshen, N.; Wangschuk, N.; Jigme, K.; Tharchen, L.; Jigme, K.; Dhendup, N.; Tshedar,; Gyeltshen, D.; Ghalley, B.B.; Namgay, P.; Singh, G.; Singye, R.; Wangdi, K.; Gyeltshen, S.; Limbu, R.B. 2011 Toorsa Strict Nature Reserve Management Plan July 2012-June 2017
Full Book

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)