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As a standard, we used in every reference the scientific name of the species and the country concerned as keywords. For the countries, we used codes consisting of a number for the continent or region and two letters for the country. Articles concerning whole regions (continents a. o.) got the abbreviation of the continent. You can find all codes in the file Country Codes Cat Library. We added keywords to methods, themes, regions, subject and others topics.


            834 items matching your query were found in the database.  

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2020 Zimbabwe national lion conservation strategy and action plan (2020-2025)
Full Book
Booth, V.R.; Masonde, J.; Simukonda, C.; Cumming, D.H.M. 2020 Managing hunting quotas of African lions (_Panthera leo_): A case study from Zambia
Journal for Nature Conservation (55)
Dunnink, J.A.; Hartley, R.; Rutina, L.; Alves, J.; Franco, A.M.A. 2020 A socio-ecological landscape analysis of human-wildlife conflict in northern Botswana
Oryx (54)
Green, J.; Jakins, C.; Asfaw, E.; Bruschi, N.; Parker, A.; de Waal, L.; D'Cruze, N. 2020 African Lions and Zoonotic Diseases: Implications for Commercial Lion Farms in South Africa
Animals (10)
Carvalho, F.P. 2020 Conservation of the last savannah animals in West Africa: challenges and call for action
International Journal of Environmental Studies (77)
Harris, D.J.; Sergiadou, D.; Halajian, A.; Swanepoel, L.; Roux, F. 2020 Molecular screening indicates high prevalence and mixed infections of Hepatozoon parasites in wild felines from South Africa
Journal of the South African Veterinary Association (91)
Strampelli, P.; Andresen, L.; Everatt, K.T.; Somers, M.J.; Rowcliffe, J.M. 2020 Leopard _Panthera pardus_ density in southern Mozambique: evidence from spatially explicit capture-recapture in Xonghile Game Reserve
Oryx (54)
Robertson, J.A.D.; Roodbol, M.; Bowles, M.D.; Dures, S.G.; Rowcliffe, J.M. 2020 Environmental predictors of livestock predation: a lion's tale
Oryx (54)
Mertens, J.E.J.; Emsens, W.J.; Jocqu‚, M.; Geeraert, L.; De Beenhouwer, M. 2020 From natural forest to coffee agroforest: implications for communities of large mammals in the Ethiopian highlands
Oryx (54)
Aebischer, T.; Ibrahim, T.; Hickisch, R.; Furrer, R.D.; Leuenberger, C.; Wegmann, D. 2020 Apex predators decline after an influx of pastoralists in former Central African Republic hunting zones
Biological Conservation (24)
Taylor, T. 2020 From big spots to little spots: Influence of camera trap deployment on spatial capture-recapture estimates of servals (_Leptailurus serval_) in Ithala Game Reserve
Full Book
Val, A.; Porraz, G.; Texier, P.-J.; Fisher, J.W.; Parkington, J. 2020 Human exploitation of nocturnal felines at Diepkloof Rock Shelter provides further evidence for symbolic behaviours during teh Middle Stone Age
Scientific Reports (10)
Verschueren, S.; Briers-Louw, W.D.; Torres-Uribe, C.; Siyaya, A.; Marker, L. 2020 Assessing human conflicts with carnivores in Namibia's eastern communal conservancies
Human Dimensions of Wildlife (25)
Atkins, J.L.; Long, R.A.; Pansu, J.; Daskin, J.H.; Potter, A.B.; Stalmans, M.E.; Tarnita, C.E.; Pringle, R.M. 2019 Cascading impacts of large-carnivore extirpation in an African ecosystem
Science (364)
Bauer, H.; Gebresenbet, F.; Kiki, M.; Simpson, L.; Sillero-Zubiri, C. 2019 Race and Gender Bias in the Research Community on African Lions
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution (7 )
Coals, P.; Burnham, D.; Loveridge, A.; MacDonald, D.W.; 't Sas-Rolfes, M.; Williams, V.L.; Vucetich, J.A. 2019 The Ethics of Human-Animal Relationships and Public Discourse: A Case Study of Lions Bred for Their Bones
Animals (9)
Costantini, D.; Czirjak, G.A.; Melzheimer, J.; Menges, V.; Wachter, B. 2019 Sex and species differences of stress markers in sympatric cheetahs and leopards in Namibia
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology (Part A 227)
Elliot, N.; Masozera, M.; Wato, Y.; McVey, D. 2019 WWF's potential role and impact in lion conservation relative to other conservation organisations
Mohammed, A.A.; Bauer, H.; Faki, A.E.; Sillero-Zubiri, C. 2019 Lion and spotted hyaena abundance in Dinder National Park, Sudan
African Journal of Ecology
Packer, C. 2019 The African Lion: A Long History of Interdisciplinary Research
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution (7)
Paijmans, J.L.A.; Barlow, A.; F”rster, D.W.; Henneberger, K.; Meyer, M.; Nickel, B.; Nagel, D.; Havmoller, R.W.; Baryshnikov, G.F.; Joger, U.; Rosendahl, W.; Hofreiter, M. 2019 Historical biogeography of the leopard (_Panthera pardus_) and its extinct Eurasian populations
BMC Evolutionary Biology (18)
Rich, L.N.; Miller, D.A.W.; Mu¤oz, D.J.; Robinson, H.S.; McNutt, J.W.; Kelly, M.J. 2019 Sampling design and analytical advances allow for simultaneous density estimation of seven sympatric carnivore species from camera trap data
Biological Conservation (233)
Stalmans, M.E.; Massad, T.J.; Peel, M.J.S.; Tarnita, C.E.; Pringle, R.M. 2019 War-induced collapse and asymmetric recovery of large-mammal populations in Gorongosa National Park, Mozambique
PLoS ONE (14)
Weise, F.J.; Hauptmeier, H.; Stratford, K.J.; Hayward, M.W.; Aal, K.; Heuer, M.; Tomeletso, M.; Wulf, V.; Somers, M.J.; Stein, A.B. 2019 Lions at the Gates: Trans-disciplinary Design of an Early Warning System to Improve Human-Lion Coexistence
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution (6 )
Finerty, G.E.; Bahaa-el-din, L.; Henley, S.; Kesch, M.K.; Seymour-Smith, J.; van der Weyde, L.K.; MacDonald, D.W.; Loveridge, A.J. 2019 Range expansion: Servals spotted in the Kalahari
Cat News (69)
Beck, J.M.; Lopez, M.C.; Mudumba, T.; Montgomery, R.A. 2019 Improving human-lion conflict research through interdisciplinarity
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution
Corner, S.; Yusbasiyan-Gurkan, V.; Agnew, D.; Venta, P.J. 2019 Development of a 12-plex of new microsatellite markers using a novel universal primer method to evaluate the genetic diversity of jaguars (_Panthera onca_) from North American zoological institutions
Conservation Genetics Resources (11)
Creel, S.; Spong, G.; Becker, M.; Simukonda, C.; Norman, A.; Schiffthaler, B.; Chifunte, C. 2019 Carnivores, competition and genetic connectivity in the Anthropocene
Scientific Reports (9)
Dures, S.G.; Carbone, C.; Loveridge, A.J.; Maude, G.; Midlane, N.; Aschenborn, O.; Gottelli, D. 2019 A century of decline: Loss of genetic diversity in a southern African lion-conservation stronghold
Diversity and Distributions (25)
Heydinger, J.M.; Packer, C.; Tsaneb, J. 2019 Desert-adapted lions on communal land: Surveying the costs incurred by, and perspectives of, communal-area livestock owners in northwest Namibia
Biological Conservation (236)
Kushnir, H.; Packer, C. 2019 Perceptions of risk from man-eating lions in southeastern Tanzania
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution (7)
McEvoy, O.K.; Miller, S.M.; Bets, W.; Bodasing, T.; Borrego, N.; Burger, A.; Courtenay, B.; Ferreira, S.; Hanekom, C.; Hofmeyr, M.; Packer, C.; Robertson, D.; Stratford, K.; Slotow, R.; Parker, D.M. 2019 The use of contraceptive techniques in managed wild African lion (_Panthera leo_) populations to mimic open system cub recruitment
Wildlife Research (46)
Miller, S.; Druce, D.J.; Dalton, D.L.; Harper, C.K.; Kotze, A.; Packer, C.; Slotow, R.; Bloomer, P. 2019 Genetic rescue of an isolated African lion population
Conservation Genetics (21)
Ng'weno, C.C.; Buskirk, S.W.; Georgiadis, N.J.; Gituku, B.C.; Kibungei, A.K.; Porensky, L.M.; Rubenstein, D.I.; Goheen, J.R. 2019 Apparent competition, lion predation, and managed livestock grazing: Can observation value be enhanced?
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution (7)
Sobratee, N.; Slotow, R. 2019 A critical review of lion research in South Africa: The impact of researcher perspective, research mode, and power structures on outcome bias and implementation gaps
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution (7)
Weise, F.J.; Fynn, R.W.S.; Stein, A.B.; Tomeletso, M.; Somers, M.J.; P‚riquet, S. 2019 Seasonal selection of key resources by cattle in a mixed savannah-wetland ecosystem increases the potential for conflict with lions
Biological Conservation (237)
Aebischer, T.; Ibrahim, T.; Furrer, R.D.; Leuenberger, C.; Wegmann, D. 2019 Apex predators delcine after an influx of pastoralists in former Central African Republic hunting zones
Biological Conservation (241)
Sliwa, A.; Ksters, M.; Hauptfleisch, M. 2019 Black-footed Cat (_Felis nigripes_) Survey Namibia - Report on surveying for black-footed cats in southern Namibia, January 2019
Full Book
Cornhill, K. 2019 Cheetah Acinonyx jubatus behaviour and resource use in response to other African large carnivores
Full Book
Farr, M.T.; Green, D.S.; Holekamp, K.E.; Roloff, G.J.; Zipkin, E.F. 2019 Multispecies hierarchical modeling reveals variable responses of African carnivores to management alternatives
Ecological Applications (29)
Mwebi, O.; Nguta, E.; Onduso, V.; Nyakundi, B.; Jiang, X.-L.; Kioko, E.N. 2019 Small mammal diversity of Mt. Kenya based on carnivore fecal and survace gone remains
Zoological Research (40)
Richmond-Coggan, L. 2019 The Namibian leopard: National Census and Sustainable Hunting Practices
Full Book
Happold, D. 2019 Mammal checklist for the Nyika National Park and Vwaza Marsh Wildlife Reserve
Full Book
van Berkel, T.; Sumbane, E.; El Jones, S.; Jocque, M. 2019 A mammal survey of the Serra Jeci Mountain Range, Mozambique, with a review of records from northern Mozambique's inselbergs
African Zoology (54)
van der Meer, E. 2018 Carnivore conservation under land use change: the status of Zimbabwe's cheetah population after land reform
Biodiversity and Conservation (27)
Barnett, R.; Sinding, M.-H., S.; Vieira, F.G.; Mendoza, M.L.Z.; Bonnet, M.; Araldi, A.; Kienast, I.; Zambarda, A.; Yamaguchi, N.; Henschel, P.; Gilbert, M.T.P. 2018 No longer locally extinct? Tracing the origins of a lion (_Panthera leo_) living in Gabon
Conservation Genetics
Creel, S.; Dr”ge, E.; M'Soka, J.; Smit, D.; Becker, M.; Christianson, D.; Schuette, P. 2018 The relationship between direct predation and antipredator responses: a test with multiple predators and multiple prey
Ecology (98)
King, T. 2018 The Aspinall Foundation and small wild cats: captive-breeding, habitat protection and conservation monitoring
Conference Proceeding
Anonymous, 2018 Establishing a national monitoring framework to enable adaptive management of leopards in Zimbabwe
Full Book
Mann, G.; Pitman, R.; Whittington-Jones, G.; Thomas, L.; Broadfield, J.; Taylor, J.; Rogan, M.; Balme, G. 2018 South African Leopard Monitoring Project - Final report for the South African National Biodiversity Institute
Full Book

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)