Abstract: Trajce_&_Qazimi_2006_Rreqebulli_i_Ballkanit_ne_rrezik_zhdukjeje.pdf


The Balkan Lynx threatened by extinction (A. Trajçe & O. Qazimi)

The Albanian forests, even though destroyed and degraded during years, still hide unknown treasures that can fascinate everybody. One of these is the Lynx, a mystical animal that has skipped people’s attention for a long time. Few people have heard about the lynx, and even less can declare to have seen one. The lynx wanders lonely in the high forests of Albania surrounded by mystery and legends.

From the existing data, it is thought that in Albania live no more than 20-25 lynx individuals. Recently a multi-lateral project has started to ensure the survival of the Balkan Lynx. Parts of this initiative are organizations like IUCN SSC/Cat Specialist Group, KORA – Switzerland, European Nature Heritage Fund (Euronatur) and Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NINA). On the regional level implementing partners are the Society for Protection and Preservation of Natural Environment in Albania (PPNEA) and Macedonian Ecological Society (MES).





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