Branco et al 2002 Postglacial dispersal of European rabbit in Iberia
Sampling sites. Samples from locations in black were sequenced for the mitochondrial DNA control region during the present work. (1) Las Lomas; (2) Ciudad Real; (3) Vila Vic¸osa; (4) Toledo; (5) Alicante; (6) Peralta; (7) Santare´m; (8) Tudela; (9) Caparroso; (10) Le´rida; (11) Tarragona; (12) Braganc¸a; (13) Cabreira; (14) Idanha; (15) Badajoz; (16) Infantado; (17) Huelva; (18) Don˜ ana; (19) Amoladeras; (20) Portima˜o. Location numbers are given in parentheses in the text following the location name. Significant inferences from the geographical analysis of rabbit cytochrome b gene haplotype tree are also shown. Fragmentation is represented by a thick dashed line, restricted gene flow (RGF), isolation by distance (IBD), and long-distance dispersal (LDD) are represented by arrows. Fragmentation occurred in the early history of the rabbit generating two distinct groups. Afterward gene flow restricted by isolation by distance has predominated. In the colonization of the northwest, there was some long-distance dispersal followed by fragmentation from the northeast. Shaded areas represent putative glacial refugia.

Branco, M., Monnerot, M., Ferrand, N., and Templeton, A. R. 2002. Postglacial dispersal of the European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) on the Iberian Peninsula reconstructed from nested clade and mismatch analyses of mitochondrial DNA genetic variation. Evolution 56(4): 792-803.
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