Reproduction BRB — Reproducción BRB — Reprodução BRB


Roldan, E. 2004.
Reproduccíon / Banco de Recursos Biológicos Cría en Cautividad del Lince Ibérico.

Actividades desarrolladas (2002-2004): p.1-4. Madrid.

Bank of germ plasm of Endangered Wild Species (BanGES), Agreement between the Ministerio de Medio Ambiente and CSIC / Completed and ongoing tasks / Training of staff; interchanges with other groups of investigation / Tasks related to the Group of Ecology and Biology of Reproduction (Grupo de Ecología y Biología de la Reproducción, MNCN-CSIC) / Publications of related works.




Ex-situ Conservation Team.
Iberian Lynx Fecal Colletion Protocol.





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