General — General — Geral


Simon Mata, M. A. 2004.
Organización del programa de cría en cautividad de lince ibérico: Centros de cría
: 1-8.
Junta de Andalucía, Proyecto LIFE Lince.

Organisation of the captive breeding programme for the Iberian lynx: Breeding centres. Content: Recognition of the figure of the Director of the Captive Breeding, Structure of the Captive Breeding plan (centres), Establishment of the requisites and protocols that have to be fulfilled for the incorporation of the Centres in the Breeding Programme, Incorporation fo the reintroduction criteria and the management of individuals, Link the ex-situ conservation with the in-situ conservation, Summary of the pendent works.



Vargas, A. 2004.
Cría en Cautividad.

Pesentada por el Equipo de Conservación Ex-situ del Lince Ibérico. 

PowerPoint presentation of all aspects of the Captive Breeding Programme for the Conservation of the Iberian lynx.



© A. Sliwa



Vargas, A., Martínez, F., Bergara, J., Klink, L. D., Rodriguez, J. M., Simon Mata, M. A., and Aymerich, M. 2005.
Programa de conservación Ex-Situ del Lince Ibérico.

Medio Ambiente 49 [Verano / 2005]: 6-11. Junta de Andalucía, Consejería de Medio Ambiente.

The breeding for the conservation of endangered species is an expensive conservation tool that requires a careful planning to secure its integration in the global strategy for the recovery of the species. Once the necessity to initiate an ex-situ conservation programme is established, it is fundamental to prevent putting the in-situ conservation measures at risk. A breeding programme should only be started when the necessary administrative support, the financial resources and the adequate infrastructures to achieve it are consolidated. It is considered important that a planning of the programme bases in short- and long-term objectives in which aims concerning the genetic and demographic management in captivity are included, and which in its turn respects the sanitary, reproductive and ethological aspects of the captive population.

© Programa de conservación Ex-Situ del Lince Ibérico



Breitenmoser, U. and Sliwa, A. 2003.
Assessment of the Conservation Breeding Programme for the Iberian Lynx
: 1-6. Muri, Switzerland, IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group.

The aim of our visit in the captive breeding facilities and quarantine stations in Andalucía was to get first hand information on the conservation breeding programme regarding strategy, infrastructure and procedures, as we were worried about the further delay of the captive breeding. Content: Status of the two remnant populations, Conservation breeding programme: animals in captivity, Breeding and rehabilitation facilities, Problems, Assessment and recommendations, Conclusions and addenda.




Cobo Anula, J. 2003.
Situación de la cria en cautividad del lince iberico (
Lynx pardinus) en España, 12.02.03.
  p.1-2. Madrid, WWF Adena.

Situation of the captive breeding of Iberian lynx in Spain per 12.02.03 (centres, animals, politics).




Objetivos generales del plan de acción para la cría en cautividad del lince ibérico. 2001.
Aprobado por la Comisión Nacional, Febrero 2001.

Objectives regarding reproductive physiology / genetics / sanitary aspects / handling / reintroduction / organisation, management and financing.




Plan de cría en cautividad del lince ibérico (Lynx pardinus). 2001: 1-28 plus Annexes.
Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza, Secretaria General de Medio Ambiente, Ministerio de Medio Ambiente.

Versión aprobada por la Comisión Nacional de Protección de la Naturaleza, el 8 de febrero de 2001.
(Content see Ministerio_de_Medio_Ambiente_2000_Plan_de_accion_cria_en_cautividad.pdf)




Plan de acción para la Cría en cautividad del lince ibérico. 2000: 1-89.
Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza, Secretaría General de Medio Ambiente, Ministerio de Medio Ambiente.

Workshop for the establishment of an Action Plan for the Captive Breeding of Iberian lynx / Priorities for the initiation of the Captive Breeding Programme for the Iberian lynx / Objectives & Actions for: jandling of the captive animals / reproductive physiology / genetic and demographic aspects / sanitary aspects / reintroduction / ogranisation, management & financing.





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