Rabbit surveillance — Supervisión de los conejos — Estatuto do coelho-bravo


Célio Alves, P. and Ferreira, C. 2004.
Protocolo de Colaboração no âmbito do projecto "Revisão do Livro Vermelho dos Vertebrados de Portugal". Linha de Acção 3) Determinação da abundância relativa das populações de coelho-bravo (Oryctolagus cuniculus algirus) em Portugal Continental: 1-32.
Centro de Investigação em Biodiversidade e Recursos Genéticos CIBIO, ICETA - Universidade do Porto.

Determination of the relative abundance of rabbit populations in continental Portugal.


© Célio Alves & Ferreira



Fernández, N.
Protocolo utilizado para el muestreo anual de abundancias relativas de conejos en Doñana
, 2pp.
Grupo de Carnívoros - Estación Biológica de Doñana, C.S.I.C.
Protocol used for the yearly surveillance of relative rabbit abundance in Doñana (design, period, protocol).




García, F. J. 2003.
Revisión de las actuaciones para el fomento de las poblaciones del conejo monte. 1er Informe annual:
TRAGSA for the Dirección General de Conservación en España (D.G.C.N.) of the Ministerio de Medio Ambiente (Ministry of Environment: M.M.A.). Noviembre 2003.

The report compiles the work realized during the first year of work on the rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus and the revision of the realized actions for the support of its populations and the restoration of its habitats, with special interest in the efforts made in the Spanish lynx areas.


© F.J. García



Equipo de Seguimiento LIFE Lince ibérico. Junio, 2004.
Informe sobre areas potenciales de reintroducción de lince ibérico en Andalucía - 2004: 1-12.

The objective of this report is to describe the current situation in view of an eventual Iberian lynx reintroduction project in Andalucía. Therefore, several previous works have been realized which intent to tackle the different aspects related to this matter.




© Junta de Andalucía

Samplings of rabbits (number of latrines) in a 2.5 x 2.5 km raster. Notes: Belongs to Junta_de_Andalucia_2004_Areas_potenciales_de_reintroduccion_de_lince.pdf (see above).



Junta de Andalucía.
Protocolo para el seguimiento de cercados de cría de conejo
: 1-4.

Protocol for the monitoring of the breeding enclosures for rabbit (Methodology for the survey, data collection, counting of scats and latrines).




Situación del conejo de monte en Doñana 2004.
Boletín del Proyecto LIFE - Lince en Andalucía, Septiembre 2004: p. 13.

Situation of the wild rabbit in Doñana. Results of the surveys 2000-2003  (number of scats per square km in different randomly distributed points).




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