Photo of Camille  Coudrat Camille Coudrat
Founder and Director Association Anoulak, 10 Rue des Pruniers
04100 Manosque, Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, France

I am the founder and director of Association Anoulak, dedicated to the conservation of biodiversity in the Annamite Mountains of Laos: a biodiversity hotspot, home to numerous endemic and little studied species and under severe threats. It holds several species of regional and global conservation concerns including wild cats (Asiatic golden cat; clouded leopard; marbled cat). Most of our work is implemented in Nakai-Nam Theun National Park ( Association Anoulak implements activities on:
  • Biodiversity research and monitoring for conservation to understand the distribution, monitor wildlife populations and to increase our knowledge on in-situ species ecology and status of the threatened and endemic species in the Annamite Mountains which will inform conservation management
  • Community anti-poaching patrols to reduce illegal poaching of species in the wild, allow their populations to remain stable or recover from unsustainable hunting
  • Conservation awareness to raise awareness of the local and international community about the biodiversity of the Annamite mountains and the importance of protecting it.
  • Community sustainable and alternative livelihoods. to provide alternative and sustainable livelihoods and income to local communities to reduce their reliance on natural resources