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As a standard, we used in every reference the scientific name of the species and the country concerned as keywords. For the countries, we used codes consisting of a number for the continent or region and two letters for the country. Articles concerning whole regions (continents a. o.) got the abbreviation of the continent. You can find all codes in the file Country Codes Cat Library. We added keywords to methods, themes, regions, subject and others topics.


            1694 items matching your query were found in the database.  

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Castro, W.J.P. 2023 Probability of occupation of forest patches by medium and large mammals in the Nhecolƒndia sub-region, Pantanal, Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil
Full Book
Casta¤eda, F.E.; McCann, N.P.; µvila-Palma, H. 2023 Confirmed presence of a puma in the binational Merend¢n Mountain Range
Cat News (77)
Bernard, K.M.T.; Perry, T.W.; Mgqatsa, N. 2023 Puma (_Puma concolor_) sex influences diet in southwest New Mexico
Western North American Naturalist (83)
2022 Predator Compensation 2015 to 2020 - South Saskatchewan Region
Full Book
Cuyckens, G.A.E.; Gonzalez Baffa Trasci, N.V.; Perovic, P.G.; Malizia, L.R. 2022 Effect of free-ranging cattle on mammalian diversity: an Austral Yungas case study
Oryx (56)
Sana, D.A. 2022 Big cats in a changing landscape: ecology and genetics in the upper Paran  river, Atlantic forest, Brazil
Full Book
Machado, I.O. 2022 Activity and habitat occupancy patterns of carnivores in Chapada dos Veadeiros National Park
Full Book
Quintana, I.; Cifuentes, E.F.; Dunnink, J.A.; Ariza, M.; Martinez-Medina, D.; Fantacini, F.M.; Shrestha, B.R.; Richard, F.-J. 2022 Severe conservation risks of roads on apex predators
Scientific Reports (2902)
Cunningham, M.W.; Onorato, D.P.; Sayler, K.A.; Leone, E.H.; Conley, K.J.; Mead, D.G.; Bradley, J.A.C.; Meas, R.K.; Kiupel, M.; Shindle, D.B.; Wisley, S.M.; Subramaniam, K.; Wise, A.G.; Clemons, B.C.; Cusack, L.M.; Jansen, D.; Schueller, P.; Hern ndez, F.A.; Waltzek, T.B. 2021 Pseudorabies (Aujeszky's diesease) is an underdiagnosed cause of death in the Florida panther (_Puma concolor coryi_)
Journal of Wildlife Diseases (57)
Cardenas, J.; Moraga, R.; Montt, M.; Elbroch, L.M. 2021 Novel foraging by pumas on rhea eggs observed during predator tourism
Cat News (72)
Fragoso, C.E.; Rampim, L.E.; Simioni, S.S.; Araujo, V.C.; Haberfeld, M.; Junior, J.A.M. 2021 Intraguild predation between two large carnivores in the Brazilian Pantanal
Cat News (72)
Guijos-Guadarrama, E.; Pe¤a-Mondragon, J.L.; Schallert, A.; Rosas, A.; Torres, Y.; Cruz, E.; Torres, E.; Roldan, F.J.; Romero, L.D.; Garcia, P.; Calderon, V.; Praxediz, J. 2021 First confirmed record of puma in the state of Tlaxcala, East-Central Mexico
Cat News (73)
Thapa, K. 2021 An experience of surplus killing of livestock by a snow leopard in Nepal
Cat News (74)
Balbuena-Serrano, A.; Zarco-Gonzalez, M.M.; Monroy-Vilchis, O.; Morato, R.G.; de Paula, R.C. 2020 Hotspots of livestock depredation by pumas and jaguars in Brazil: a biome-scale analysis
Animal Conservation
Lombardi, J.V.; Perotto-Baldivieso, H.L.; Tewes, M.E. 2020 Land Cover Trends in South Texas (1987-2050): Potential Implications for Wild Felids
Remote Sensing (12)
Dellinger, J.A.; Gustafson, K.D.; Gemmons, D.J.; Ernest, H.B.; Torres, S.G. 2020 Minimum habitat thresholds required for conserving mountain lion genetic diversity
Ecology and Evolution (10)
Ferreti, F.; Lovari, S.; Hayward, M.; Stephens, P.A. 2020 Only the largest terrestrial carnivores increase their dietary breadth with increasing prey richness
Mammal Review (50)
Chinchilla-Carmona, M.; Valerio-Campos, I.; Guiterrez-Espeleta, G.A.; Soto-Fournier, S.; Vanegas-Pissa, J.C.; Salom-Perz, R.; Arroyo-Arce, S. 2020 Intestinal parasites found in fecal samples of wild cats of Costa Rica
Int.J.Vet.Sci. (9)
Cassaigne, I.; Thompson, R.W.; Medellin, R.A.; Culver, M.; Ochoa, A.; Vargas, K.; Childs, J.L.; Galaz, M.; Sanderson, J. 2020 Augmentation of natural prey reduces cattle predation by puma (Puma concolor) and jaguar (Panthera onca) on a ranch in Sonora, Mexico
The Southwestern Naturalist (65)
Craighead, K.A.; Yacelga, M. 2020 Plasticity on interference competition - puma and ocelot: an isolated event?
Cat News (71)
Reis, F.C.; Minuzzi-Souza, T.T.C.; Neiva, M.; Timb¢, R.V.; de Morais, I.O.B.; de Lima, T.M.; Hecht, M.; Nitz, N.; Gurgel-Gon‡alves, R. 2020 Trypanosomatid infections in captive wild mammals and potential vectors at the Brasilia Zoo, Federal District, Brazil
Veterinary Medicine and Science (6)
Campana, L.S. 2020 Endangered birds and mammals in protected areas: a case study in the Sete Cidades National Park, Piau¡
Full Book
Pillco Huarcaya, R.; Beirne, C.; Serrano Rojas, S.J.; Whitworth, A. 2020 Camera trapping reveals a diverse and unique high-elevation mammal community under threat
Oryx (54)
Zorondo-Rodr¡guez, F.; Moreira-Arce, D.; Boutin, S. 2020 Underlying social attitudes towards conservation of threatened carnivores in human dominated landscapes
Oryx (54)
Martins, C.S.G. 2020 Human dimensions of the relations between people and jaguar (_Panthera onca_) and puma (_Puma concolor_) in Caatinga biome
Full Book
MagalhÆes, R.A. 2020 Priority mammals for conservation and habitat use by the three-banded armadillo in an anthropised area in northeastern Brazil
Full Book
Ribeiro, Y.G.G. 2020 Social media in the context of land mammals conservation: connecting human dimension with the digital universe
Full Book
Pereira, J.A.; Thompson, J.; Di Bitetti, M.S.; Fracassi, N.G.; Paviolo, A.; Fameli, A.F.; Novaro, A.J. 2020 A small protected area facilitates persistence of a large carnivore in a ranching landscape
Journal for Nature Conservation (56)
Caruso, N.C.; Luengos Vidal, E.M.; Manfredi, M.C.; Araujo, M.S.; Lucherini, M.; Casanave, E.B. 2020 Co-occurrence, habitat use and activity pattern of carnivore species in a coastal area of Argentina
Ocean & Coastal Management (198)
Caudill, G.; Onorato, D.P.; Cunningham, M.W.; Caudill, D.; Leone, E.H.; Smith, L.M.; Jansen, D. 2019 Temporal trends in Florida panther food habits
Human-Wildlife Interactions (13)
Craighead, K.A. 2019 A Multi-Scale Analysis of Jaguar (_Panthera onca_) and Puma (_Puma concolor_) Habitat Selection and Conservation in the Narrowest Section of Panama
Full Book
Guerisoli, M.d.l.M.; Caruso, N.; Luengos Vidal, E.M.; Lucherini, M. 2019 Habitat use and activity patterns of _Puma concolor_ in a human-dominated landscape of central Argentina
Journal of Mammalogy (100)
Murphy, S.M.; Wilckens, D.T.; Augustine, B.C.; Peyton, M.A.; Harper, G.C. 2019 Improving estimation of puma (_Puma concolor_) population density: clustered camera-trapping, telemetry data, and generalized spatial mark-resight models
Scientific Reports (9)
Satter, C.B.; Augustine, B.C.; Harmsen, B.J.; Foster, R.J.; Sanchez, E.E.; Wultsch, C.; Davis, M.L.; Kelly, M.J. 2019 Long-Term Monitoring of Ocelot Densities in Belize
The Journal of Wildlife Management (83)
Suraci, J.P.; Smith, J.A.; Clinchy, M.; Zanette, L.Y.; Wilmers, C.C. 2019 Humans, but not their dogs, displace pumas drime their kills: An experimental approach
Scientific Reports (9 )
Nigro, N.A.; Ocampo, N.L.; Falke, F. 2019 Record of a wild disabled jaguar in Barit£ National Park, Salta province, Argentina
Cat News (68)
Rossettie, T.S. 2019 Monitoring Mountain Lions in the desert southwest: spatial density estimation and results of a novel hair sampling technique
Full Book
Sanchez-Barradas, A.; Villalobos, F. 2019 Species geographical co-occurrence and the effect of Grinnellian and Eltonian niche partitioning: The case of a Neotropical felid assemblage
Ecological Research (35)
da Cunha Araujo, R.P.; Monteirao Rodirigues, A.L.A.; Galliez, M. 2019 Sharing the nature: Mammals and neighbor human population of a protected area in the Atlantic Forest Brazil
Oecologia Australis (24)
Dias, D.M.; Masara, R.L.; de Campos, C.B.; Rodrigues, F.H.G. 2019 Feline predator-prey relationships in a semi-arid biome in Brazil
Journal of Zoology (307)
Wooldridge, R.L.; Foster, R.J.; Harmsen, B.J. 2019 The functional role of scent marking in the social organization of large sympatric neotropical felids
Journal of Mammalogy (100)
Chagas, C.R.F.; Gonzalez, I.H.L.; Salgado, P.A.B.; Rodrigues, B.; Ramos, P.L. 2019 _Giardia _spp., ten years of parasitological data in the biggest zoo of Latin America
Annals of parasitology (65)
Pitchenin, L.C.; Maruyama, F.H.; Morgado de Oliveira, T.; Dutra, V.; Nakazato, L. 2019 Occurrence of hemoplasmas in free-ranging and captive wild felines
Brazilian Journal of Infectious Diseases (23)
Tolentino, N.; Pinheiro, G.R.G.; Ottino, J.; de Oliveira, A.R.; Coelho, C.M.; Tinoco, H.P.; Fujiwara, R.T.; Santos, R.L.; Ribeiro, V.M. 2019 Serological evidence of _Leishmania _infection by employing ELISA and rapid tests in captive felids and canids in Brazil
Veterinary Parasitology: Regional Studies and Reports (17)
de Souza Junior, P.; Viotto-Souza, W.; Mendes, V.P.; Bernardes, F.C.S.; Dos Anjos, B.L.; Abidu-Figueiredo, M.; Santos, A.L.Q. 2019 Clavicle in carnivorans: A forgotten bone
The anatomical record (303)
Llanos, R.; Andrade, A.; Travaini, A. 2019 Puma and livestock in central Patagonia (Argentina): From ranchers perceptions to predator management
Human Dimensions of Wildlife (25)
Vermunt, D.A.; Nijsen, M.; Immerzeel, D.J.; Silveira, L.; Verweij, P.A. 2019 Biodiversity in a fragmented sugarcane landscape
Infante Varela, J.D. 2019 New interactions in a mammalian community: introduced lagomorphs sustain native carnivores in the Andes of central Chile
Full Book
Pecho, A.E.P. 2019 Characterization of the hairs of the potential prey of the puma (_Puma concolor_) in the Sauce Grande sector of the El Angola hunting reserve, Piura, Peru
Full Book
2019 Cougar: Occurrence Summary 2000-2018 - Human-cougar coexistence in the Bow Valley
Full Book

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)