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As a standard, we used in every reference the scientific name of the species and the country concerned as keywords. For the countries, we used codes consisting of a number for the continent or region and two letters for the country. Articles concerning whole regions (continents a. o.) got the abbreviation of the continent. You can find all codes in the file Country Codes Cat Library. We added keywords to methods, themes, regions, subject and others topics.


            336 items matching your query were found in the database.  

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O'Donoghue, M.; Slough, B.G.; Poole, K.; Boutin, S.; Hofer, E.J.; Mowat, G.; Murray, D.; Krebs, C.J. 2023 Snow track counts for density estimation of mammalian predators in the boreal forest
Wildlife Research (50)
Hurtado, C.M.; Garc¡a-Olaechea, A.; G lvez, N.; de Oliveira, T.G.; Palacios, G.; Ram¡rez-Fern ndez, J.D.; Tirelli, F.P.; Weston, M.; Sanderson, J. 2022 Small wild cat working groups of the Neottropics: results of the first group leaders meeting
Cat News (76)
Morin, S.J.; Bowman, J.; Marote, R.R.; Fortin, M.-J. 2020 Fine-scale habitat selection by sympatric Canada lynx and bobcat
Ecology and Evolution (10)
Squires, J.R.; Holbrook, J.D.; Olson, L.E.; Ivan, J.S.; Ghormley, R.W.; Lawrence, R.I. 2020 A specialized forest carnivore navigates landscape-level disturbance: Canada lynx in spruce-beetle impacted forests
Forest Ecology and Management (475)
Prentice, M.B.; Bowman, J.; Murray, D.L.; Kltsch, C.F.C.; Khidas, K.; Wilson, P.J. 2019 Evaluating evolutionary history and adaptive differentiation to identify conservatio units of Canada lynx (_Lynx canadensis_)
Global Ecology and Conservation (20)
Holbrook, J.D.; Squires, J.R.; Bollenbacher, B.; Graham, R.; Olson, L.E.; Hanvey, G.; Jackson, S.; Lawrence, R.L. 2018 Spatio-temporal responses of Canada lynx (_Lynx canadensis_) to silvicultural treatments in the Northern Rockies, U.S
Forest Ecology and Management (422)
Marti, I.; Ryser-Degiorgis, M.-P. 2018 A tooth wear scoring scheme for age estimation of the Eurasian lynx (_Lynx lynx_) under field conditions
European Journal of Wildlife Research (64)
Menglloglu, D.; Ambarli, H.; Berger, A.; Hofer, H. 2018 Foraging ecology of Eurasian lynx populations in southwest Asia: Conservation implications for a diet specialist
Ecology and Evolution (8)
Boonstra, R.; Boutin, S.; Jung, T.S.; Krebs, C.J.; Taylor, S. 2018 Impact of rewilding, species introductions and climate change on the structure and function of the Yukon boreal forest ecosystem
Integrative Zoology (13)
Gooliaff, T.J. 2018 Spatiotemporal patterns and reliability of bobcat and Canada lynx occurrence records in British Columbia
Full Book
Bandeli, M. 2018 Why does natural home range size predict captive carnivora welfare?
Full Book
Prentice, M.B.; Bowman, J.; Khidas, K.; Koen, E.L.; Row, J.R.; Murray, D.L.; Wilson, P.J. 2017 Selection and drift influence genetic differentiation of insular Canada lynx (_Lynx canadensis_) on Newfoundland and Cape Breton Island
Ecology and Evolution (7)
Holbrook, J.D.; Squires, J.R.; Olson, L.E.; Decesare, N.J.; Lawrence, R.L. 2017 Understanding and predicting habitat for wildlife conservation: the case of Canada lynx at the range periphery
Ecosphere (8)
Chan, K.; Boutin, S.; Hossie, T.J.; Krebs, C.J.; O'Donoghue, M.; Murray, D.L. 2017 Improving the assessment of predator functional responses by considering alternate prey and predator interactions
Ecology (98)
Garrote, G.; Bueno, J.F.; Ruiz, M.; de Lillo, S.; Martin, J.M.; Lopez, G.; Simon, M.A. 2017 First breeding record of a one-year-old female Iberian lynx
European Journal of Wildlife Research (63)
Vanbianchi, C.; Gaines, W.L.; Murphy, M.A.; Pither, J.; Hodges, K.E. 2017 Habitat selection by Canada lynx: making do in heavily fragmented landscapes
Biodiversity Conservation (26)
Mumma, M.A.; Holbrook, J.D.; Rayl, N.D.; Zieminski, C.J.; Fuller, T.K.; Organ, J.F.; Mahoney, S.P.; Waits, L.P. 2017 Examining spatial patterns of selection and use for an altered predator guild
Oecologia (185)
Amstislavsky, S.Y.; Kozhevnikova, V.V.; Muzika, V.V.; Kizilova, E.A. 2017 Reproductive biology and a genome resource bank of Felidae
Russian Journal of Developmental Biology (48)
Baigas, P.E.; Squires, J.R.; Olson, L.E.; Ivan, J.S.; Roberts, E.K. 2017 Using environmental features to model highway crossing behavior of Canada lynx in the Southern Rocky Mountains
Landscape and Urban Planning (157)
Zelenak, J.; McCollough, M.; Broderdorp, K.; Holt, B.; Smith, T. (eds) 2017 Species Status Assessment for the Canada lynx - Contiguous United States Distinct Population Segment
Full Book
Goitom, A.H. 2017 Identification of the putative urinary intraspecific recognition pheromone of the caracal _Caracal caracal_
Full Book
U.S Fish & Wildlife Service, 2017 Species Status Assessment for the Canada Lynx (_Lynx canadensis_) - contiguous United States distinct population segment. Version 1.0
Full Book
Ivan, J.S.; Shenk, T.M. 2016 Winter diet and hunting success of Canada Lynx in Colorado
The Journal of Wildlife Management (80)
Mahoney, S.P.; Lewis, K.P.; Weir, J.N.; Morrison, S.F.; Luther, J.G.; Schaefer, J.A.; Pouiot, D.; Latifovic, R. 2016 Woodland caribou calf mortality in Newfoundland: insights into the role of climate, predation and population density over three decades of study
Population Ecology (58)
Vitense, K.; Wirsing, A.J.; Tyson, R.C.; Anderson, J.J. 2016 Theoretical impacts of habitat loss and generalist predation on predator-prey cycles
Ecological Modelling (327)
Bursthaler, C.M.; Roth, J.D.; Gau, R.J.; Murray, D.L. 2016 Demographic differences in diet breadth of Canada lynx during a fluctuation in prey availability
Ecology and Evolution (6)
Simons-Legaard, E.M.; Harrison, D.J.; Legaard, K.R. 2016 Habitat monitoring and projections for Canada lynx: linking the landsat achrive with carnivore occurrence and prey density
Journal of Applied Ecology (53)
Li, G.; Davis, B.W.; Eizirik, E.; Murphy, W.J. 2016 Phylogenomic evidence for ancient hybridization in the genomes of living cats (Felidae)
Genome Research (26)
Terwilliger, L.A. 2016 Using GPS radiotelemetry locations to interpret road and trail use by Canada lynx (_Lynx canadensis_) in Minnesota
Full Book
Anile, S.; Devillard, S. 2016 Study design and body mass influence RAIs from camera trap studies: evidence from the Felidae
Animal Conservation (19)
Buderman, F.E.; Hooten, M.B.; Ivan, J.S.; Shenk, T.M. 2016 A functional model for characterizing long-distance movement behaviour
Methods in Ecology and Evolution (7)
Majchrzak, Y. 2016 The role of food in the snowshoe hare - Canada lynx cycle
Arctic (69)
Viranta, S.; Lommi, H.; Holmala, K.; Laakkonen, J. 2016 Muscoskeletal anatomy of the Eurasian lynx forelimb: adaptations to capture large prey?
Journal of Morphology (277)
Casamitjana, J.; Tsang, J.; Flocken, J.; Lajoie, S.; Moos, S. 2016 Killing for trophies - An analysis of global trophy hunting trade
Full Book
Scanes, C.G. 2016 A re-evaluation of allometric relationships for circulating concentrations of glucose in mammals
Food and Nutrition Sciences (7)
Arias-Alzate, A.; Gonz lez-Maya, J.F.; Arroyo-Cabrales, J.; Mart¡nez-Meyer, E. 2016 Wild felid range shift due to climatic constraints in the Americas: a bottleneck explanation for extinct felids?
Journal of Mammalian Evolution (24)
Zahn, T.M.G. 2016 Skull morphological integration and evolution of skull morphology in Feliformia (Carnivora: Mammalia)
Full Book
Whittington, J.; Heuer, K.; Hunt, B.; Hebblewhite, M.; Lukacs, P.M. 2015 Estimating occupancy using spatially and temporally replicated snow surveys
Animal Conservation (18)
Dickman, A.J.; Hinks, A.E.; Macdonald, E.A.; Burnham, D.; MacDonald, D.W. 2015 Priorities for global felid conservation
Conservation Biology (29)
Koen, E.L.; Bowman, J.; Wilson, P.J. 2015 Isolation of peripheral populations of Canada lynx (_Lynx canadensis_)
Canadian Journal of Zoology (93)
Guillaumet, A.; Bowman, J.; Thornton, D.; Murray, D.L. 2015 The influence of coyote on Canada lynx populations assessed at two different spatial scales
Community Ecology (16)
Jones, K.E. 2015 Evolutionary allometry of lumbar shape in Felidae and Bovidae
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society (116)
Mumma, M.A.; Zieminski, C.; Fuller, T.K.; Mahoney, S.P.; Waits, L.P. 2015 Evaluating noninvasive genetic sampling techniques to estimate large carnivore abundance
Molecular Ecology Resources (15)
Prentice, M.B.; Bowman, J.; Wilson, P.J. 2015 A test of somatic mosaicism in the androgen receptor gene of Canada lynx
BMC Genetics (16)
Stanton, L.A.; Sullivan, M.S.; Fazio, J.M. 2015 A standardized ethogram for the felidae: A tool for behavioral researchers
Applied Animal Behaviour Science (173)
Peers, M.J.L.; Wehtje, M.; Thornton, D.H.; Murray, D.L. 2014 Prey switching as a means of enhancing persistence in predators at the trailing southern edge
Global Change Biology (20)
Row, J.R.; Wilson, P.J.; Murray, D.L. 2014 Anatomy of a population cycle: the role of density dependence and demographic variability on numerical instability and periodicity
Journal of Animal Ecology (83)
Koen, E.L.; Bowman, J.; Murray, D.L.; Wilson, P.J. 2014 Climate change reduces genetic diversity of Canada lynx at the trailing range edge
Ecography (37)
Kolbe, J.A.; Squires, J.R. 2014 A longevity record for Canada lynx, _Lynx canadensis_, in Western Montana
Western North American Naturalist (66)
Mumma, M.A.; Soulliere, C.E.; Mahoney, S.P.; Waits, L.P. 2014 Enhanced understanding of predator-prey relationships using molecular methods to identify predator species, individual and sex
Molecular Ecology (14)

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)