IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library


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As a standard, we used in every reference the scientific name of the species and the country concerned as keywords. For the countries, we used codes consisting of a number for the continent or region and two letters for the country. Articles concerning whole regions (continents a. o.) got the abbreviation of the continent. You can find all codes in the file Country Codes Cat Library. We added keywords to methods, themes, regions, subject and others topics.


            94 items matching your query were found in the database.  

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Lescroart, J.; Bonilla-S nchez, A.; Napolitano, C.; Buitrago-Torres, D.L.; Ram¡rez-Chaves, H.E.; Pulido-Santacruz, P.; Murphy, W.J.; Svardal, H.; Eizirik, E. 2023 Extensive Phylogenomic Discordance and the Complex Evolutionary History of the Neotropical Cat Genus Leopardus
Molecular Biology and Evolution (40)
Bel‚n Zaparate, M.; Napolitano, C.; Sapaj-Aguilera, M.; Dinges, T.; Kentrick, C.; Llerena-Re tegui, G.; Tellaeche, C.G.; Palacios, R. 2022 New records of the Andean cat (_Leopardus jacobita_) in the Central Andes of Chile: Filling gabs in the distribution range through private-social partnerships
Animals (12(5))
Hurtado, C.M.; Garc¡a-Olaechea, A.; G lvez, N.; de Oliveira, T.G.; Palacios, G.; Ram¡rez-Fern ndez, J.D.; Tirelli, F.P.; Weston, M.; Sanderson, J. 2022 Small wild cat working groups of the Neottropics: results of the first group leaders meeting
Cat News (76)
Nogales-Ascarrunz, P.; Aliaga-Rossel, E.; Ossio, V.; Villalba, L. 2022 Death by car, a new threat to the endangered Andean cat
Cat News (76)
Villalobos, R.; Moreira-Arce, D.; Hern ndez, F.; Castro-Pastene, C. 2022 Using the precautionary principle to halt mining and save the Endangered Andean cat in Chile
Oryx (56)
Villalba, M.L.; Beltran-Saavedra, L.F.; Ledezma, G.; Flores, E.; Reppucci, J.; Pacheco, L.F.; Ayala, G.; Ticona, H.; Palacios, R.; Morales, A. 2021 Pre-release care, translocation, and radio tracking of a rescued Andean cat in Bolivia
Book Chapter
Silva, B.S.; Vargas, S.P.; Sapaj-Aguilera, G.; Riffo, R.P. 2021 New records of the Andean cat in central Chile - a challenge for conservation
Oryx (55)
Tellaeche, C.G.; Reppucci, J.I.; Luengos Vidal, E.M.; Clifford, D.L.; Lucherini, M. 2020 Field Chemical Immobilization of Andean and Pampas Cats in the High-Altitude Andes
Wildlife Society Bulletin (44)
Tellaeche, C.G.; Guerisoli, M.d.l.M.; Napolitano, C.; Di Nucci, D.L.; Reppucci, J.I. 2020 Filling a gap in Andean Cat _Leopardus jacobita_ (Cornalia, 1865) (Mammalia: Carnivora: Felidae) distributon range: new record in La Rioja province, Argentina
Journal of Threatened Taxa (12)
Mugerwa, B.; Adhya, T.; Ratnayaka, A.; Thudugala, A.; Napolitano, C.; Sanderson, J. 2020 Are we doing enough to protect the World's small wild cats?
Cat News (71)
Huaranca, J.C.; Villalba, M.L.; Negroes, N.; Jimenez, J.E.; MacDonald, D.W.; Pacheco, L.F. 2019 Density and activity patterns of Andean cat and Pampas cat _(Leopardus jacobita_ and _L. colocolo_) in the Bolivian Altiplano
Wildlife Research (47)
Aguirre, L.F.; Tarifa, T.; Wallace, R.B.; Bernal, N.; Siles, L.; Aliaga-Rossel, E.; Salazar-Bravo, J. 2019 Updated and annotated checklist of mammals from Bolivia
Ecolog¡a en Bolivia (54)
Gaulke, S.; Martelli, E.; Johnson, L.; Letelier, C.G.; Dawson, N.; Nelson, C.R. 2019 Threatened and endangered mammals of Chile: Does research align with conservation information needs?
Conservation Science and Practice (1)
Napolitano, C. 2018 Andean cat and guigna conservation in Chile
Conference Proceeding
Appel, A.; Mukherjee, S.; Cheyne, S.M. 2018 First International Small Wild Cat Conservation Summit
Conference Proceeding
Lucherini, M.; Reppucci, J.I.; Soler, L.; Gonzalez, A.; Ciccia, P.G.; Palacios, R.; Pereira, J.A.; Zapata, S. 2018 Analizando los esfuerzos para la conservaci¢n de carn¡voros terrestres en Argentina
Gayana (82)
Napolitano, C.; Sacristan, I.; Beltran-Saavedra, L.F.; Limachi-Quinajo, R.; Poulin, E. 2018 Molecular and Serologic Survey of Pathogens in an Endangered Andean Cat (Leopardus jacobita) of the High Andes of Bolivia
Journal of Wildlife Diseases (Letters) (55)
Tellaeche, C.G.; Reppucci, J.I.; Morales, M.M.; Vidal, E.M.L.; Lucherini, M. 2018 External and skull morphology of the Andean cat and Pampas cat: new data from the high Andes of Argentina
Journal of Mammalogy (99)
Torres, T.F.; Pardinas, U.F.J.; Chemisquy, M.A. 2018 The mammals of la Rioja, eight decades after Yepes (Los mam¡feros de la Rioja, ocho d‚cadas despu‚s de Yepes)
Revista del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales n.s. (20)
Buenavista, S.; Palomares, F. 2018 The role of exotic mammals in the diet of native carnivores from South America
Mammal Review (48)
L¢pez, J.M. 2018 Skeletal remains of micromammals recovered in archaeological sites of northern Mendoza for contexts corresponding to the late Holocene: a zooarchaeological, taphonomic and paleoenvironmental approach
Full Book
Gonzalez, F.R.; Ortiz, P.E.; D'Hiriart, S.; Jayat, J.P. 2017 New record of the Andean cat in the Puna of Jujuy province, north-western Argentina
Cat News (65)
Amstislavsky, S.Y.; Kozhevnikova, V.V.; Muzika, V.V.; Kizilova, E.A. 2017 Reproductive biology and a genome resource bank of Felidae
Russian Journal of Developmental Biology (48)
Pino Charaja, A.G. 2017 Presencia de _Leopardus jacobita_ _Leopardus colocolo_ y su importancia socio-cultural en el distrito de Ayaviri de la region Puno, Peru
Full Book
Goitom, A.H. 2017 Identification of the putative urinary intraspecific recognition pheromone of the caracal _Caracal caracal_
Full Book
Hurtado, C.M.; Pacheco, V.; Fajardo, U.; Uturunco, A. 2017 An updated analysis of the distribution of CITES-listed Peruvian carnivores for conservation priorities
Mastozoolog¡a Neotropical (23)
Llerena-Reategui, G.; Pumacota, M.; Machaca, J. 2017 Photographic record of andean cat (_Leopardus jacobita_) in Salinas y Aguada Blanca National Reserve, Peru
Revista peruana de biolog¡a (24)
Novaro, A.J.; Gonz lez, A.; Pailacura, O.; Bolgeri, M.J.; Hertel, M.F.; Funes, M.C.; Walker, R.S. 2017 Management of the conflict between carnivores and livestock in Patagonia using mixed-breed guarding dogs
Mastozoolog¡a Neotropical (24)
Llerena-Re tegui, G.; Pumacota, M.; Machaca, J. 2017 Photographic record of andean cat (_Leopardus jacobita_) in Salinas y Aguada Blanca National Reserve, Peru
Revista peruana de biolog¡a (24)
Anile, S.; Devillard, S. 2016 Study design and body mass influence RAIs from camera trap studies: evidence from the Felidae
Animal Conservation (19)
Castano-Uribe, C.; Lasso, C.A.; Hoogesteijn, R.; Diaz-Pulido, A.; Payan, E. 2016 II. Conflictos entre felinos y humanos en Am‚rica Latina
Full Book
Arias-Alzate, A.; Gonz lez-Maya, J.F.; Arroyo-Cabrales, J.; Mart¡nez-Meyer, E. 2016 Wild felid range shift due to climatic constraints in the Americas: a bottleneck explanation for extinct felids?
Journal of Mammalian Evolution (24)
Ferr‚, D.; Quero, A.A.M.; Carracedo, R.; Lentini, V.; Mu¤oz, I.; Ludue¤a, R.; Bertotto, T.; Tornello, M.; Juaire, K.; Lucero, B.; Gorla, N.B.M. 2016 Domestic and wild animals as sentinels of cytogenotoxicity: in different environments
Zahn, T.M.G. 2016 Skull morphological integration and evolution of skull morphology in Feliformia (Carnivora: Mammalia)
Full Book
Cuyckens, G.A.E.; Perovic, P.G.; Cristobal, L. 2015 How are wetlands and biological interactions related to carnivore distributions at high altitude?
Journal of Arid Environments (115)
Cuyckens, G.A.E.; Pereira, J.A.; Trigo, T.C.; da Silva, M.; Goncalves, L.; Huaranca, J.C.; Bou Perez, N.; Cartes, J.L.; Eizirik, E. 2015 Refined assessment of the geographic distribution of Geoffroy's cat (_Leopardus geoffroyi_) (Mammalia: Feildae) in the Neotropics
Journal of Zoology (298)
Tellaeche, C.G. 2015 Ecologia y uso del espacio de dos especies de f‚lidos, Gato Andino y Gato del Pajonal en la regi¢n Altoandina, Prov. de Jujuy
Full Book
de Oliveira, T.G.; Pereira, J.A. 2014 Intraguild predation and interspecific killing as structuring forces of carnivoran communities in South America
Journal of Mammal Evolution (21)
Walker, S.; Funes, M.; Heidel, L.; Palacios, R.; Novaro, A. 2014 The endangered Andean cat and fracking in Patagonia
Oryx (48)
Huaranca, J.C.; Pacheco, L.F.; Villalba, M.L.; Torrez, A.R. 2014 Ciudad de Piedra, an important site for the conservation of Andean cats in Bolivia
Cat News (58)
Zanin, M.; Palomares, F.; Brito, D. 2014 What we (don't) know about the effects of habitat loss and fragmentation on felids
Oryx (49)
Heard, N.; Launay, F.; Sanderson, J. 2014 Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund wild cat funding: an overview
Cat News (60)
Segura Gago, A.V. 2014 Postnatal cranial ontogeny in neotropical canids and felids: functionality and evolutionary patterns
Full Book
Rodgers, T.W.; Janecka, J.E. 2013 Applications and techniques for non-invasive faecal genetics research in felid conservation
European Journal of Wildlife Research (59)
Reppucci, J.; Tellaeche, C.; Vidal, E.L.; Lucherini, M. 2013 Cats captured in the High Andes close a door to potential monitoring programs
Cat News (58)
Tortato, F.R.; Tortato, M.A.; Koehler, E. 2013 Poultry predation by_ Leopardus wiedii_ and _Leopardus tigrinus_ (Carnivora: Felidae) in southern Brazil
Latin American Journal of Conservation (3)
O'Brien, S.J.; Koepfli, K.-P. 2013 Evolution: A new cat species emerges
Current Biology (23)
Villalba, M.L.; Bernal, N.; Nowell, K.; MacDonald, D.W. 2012 Distribution of two Andean small cats (Leopardus jacobita and Leopardus colocolo) in Bolivia and the potential impacts of traditional beliefs on their conservation
Endangered Species Research (16)
Cossios, E.D.; Walker, R.S.; Lucherini, M.; Ruiz-Garcia, M.; Angers, B. 2012 Population structure and conservation of a high-altitude specialist, the Andean cat Leopardus jacobita
Endangered Species Research (16)
Lucherini, M.; Palacios, R.; Villalba, L. 2012 A new Strategic Plan for the conservation of the Andean cat
Oryx (46)

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)