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As a standard, we used in every reference the scientific name of the species and the country concerned as keywords. For the countries, we used codes consisting of a number for the continent or region and two letters for the country. Articles concerning whole regions (continents a. o.) got the abbreviation of the continent. You can find all codes in the file Country Codes Cat Library. We added keywords to methods, themes, regions, subject and others topics.


            177 items matching your query were found in the database.  

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Lescroart, J.; Bonilla-S nchez, A.; Napolitano, C.; Buitrago-Torres, D.L.; Ram¡rez-Chaves, H.E.; Pulido-Santacruz, P.; Murphy, W.J.; Svardal, H.; Eizirik, E. 2023 Extensive Phylogenomic Discordance and the Complex Evolutionary History of the Neotropical Cat Genus Leopardus
Molecular Biology and Evolution (40)
Cuyckens, G.A.E.; Gonzalez Baffa Trasci, N.V.; Perovic, P.G.; Malizia, L.R. 2022 Effect of free-ranging cattle on mammalian diversity: an Austral Yungas case study
Oryx (56)
Hurtado, C.M.; Garc¡a-Olaechea, A.; G lvez, N.; de Oliveira, T.G.; Palacios, G.; Ram¡rez-Fern ndez, J.D.; Tirelli, F.P.; Weston, M.; Sanderson, J. 2022 Small wild cat working groups of the Neottropics: results of the first group leaders meeting
Cat News (76)
Sartor, C.C.; Wan, H.Y.; Pereira, J.A.; Eizirik, E.; Trigo, T.C.; de Freitas, T.R.; Cushman, S.A. 2022 Landscape genetics outperforms habitat suitability in predicting landscape resistance for congeneric cat species
Journal of Biogeography (49)
Ramirez, J.L.; Lescroart, J.; Figueir¢, H.V.; Torres-Florez, J.P.; Villela, P.M.S.; Coutinho, L.L.; Freitas, P.D.; Johnson, W.E.; Antunes, A.; Galetti, P.M.J.; Eizirik, E. 2022 Genomic Signatures of Divergent Ecological Strategies in a Recent Radiation of Neotropical Wild Cats
Molecular Biology and Evolution (39)
Bou, N.; Soutullo, A.; Hern ndez, D.; Mannise, N.; Gonz lez, S.; Bartesaghi, L.; Pereira, J.; Merino, M.; Espinosa, C.; Trigo, T.C.; Cosse, M. 2021 Population structure and gene flow of Geoffroy's cat (_Leopardus geoffroyi_) in the Uruguayan Savanna ecoregion
Journal of Mammalogy (102)
Sartor, C.C.; Cushman, S.A.; Wan, H.Y.; Kretschmer, R.; Pereira, J.A.; Bou, N.; Cosse, M.; Gonz lez, S.; Eizirik, E.; de Freitas, T.R.; Trigo, T.C. 2021 The role of the environment in the spatial dynamics of an extensive hybrid zone between two neotropical cats
Journal of Evolutionary Biology (34)
Gomez Fernandez, M.J.; Fameli, A.; Gomez, J.R.; Pereira, J.A.; Mirol, P. 2020 Phylogeographical spatial diffusion analysis reveals the journey of Geoffroy's cat through the Quaternary glaciations of South America
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society (129)
Caruso, N.C.; Luengos Vidal, E.M.; Manfredi, M.C.; Araujo, M.S.; Lucherini, M.; Casanave, E.B. 2020 Spatio-temporal interactions of carnivore species in a coastal ecosystem in Argentina
Ocean and Coastal Management (198)
Castillo, D.F.; Vidal, E.M.L.; Caruso, N.C.; Manfredi, C.; Lucherini, M.; Casanave, E.B. 2019 Spatial organization and habitat selection of Geoffroy's cat in the Espinal of central Argentina
Mammalian Biology (94)
Tirelli, F.P.; Mazim, F.D.; Crawshaw Jr., P.G.; Albano, A.P.; Espinosa, C.; Queirolo, D.; Lopes Rocha, F.; Soares, J.B.; Trigo, T.C.; MacDonald, D.W.; Lucherini, M.; Eizirik, E. 2019 Density and spatio-temporal behaviour of Geoffroy's cats in a human-dominated landscape of southern Brazil
Mammalian Biology (99)
Bou, N.; Cuyckens, G.A.E.; Gonzalez, E.M.; Meneghel, M. 2019 Conservation planning in Uruguay based on small felids (_Leopardus spp_.) as umbrella species
Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment (54)
Aguirre, L.F.; Tarifa, T.; Wallace, R.B.; Bernal, N.; Siles, L.; Aliaga-Rossel, E.; Salazar-Bravo, J. 2019 Updated and annotated checklist of mammals from Bolivia
Ecolog¡a en Bolivia (54)
Tinasi, A.L.S.N.; Couto, L.A.; Couto, C.M.V.; Bruno, H.; Junior, P.M.G. 2019 Genetic analysis of hybridization in cats
Nucleus Animalium (11)
de Souza Junior, P.; Viotto-Souza, W.; Mendes, V.P.; Bernardes, F.C.S.; Dos Anjos, B.L.; Abidu-Figueiredo, M.; Santos, A.L.Q. 2019 Clavicle in carnivorans: A forgotten bone
The anatomical record (303)
de Araujo, G.O. 2019 Study of Enterococcus sp. isolated from wild canids and felids of Brazilian pampa
Full Book
Zonta, M.L.; Ezquiaga, M.C.; Demergassi, N.; Pereira, J.A.; Navone, G.T. 2019 Intestinal parasites of _Leopardus geoffroyi_ (Mammalia, Felidae) inhabiting the Paran  River Delta (Argentina): a coprological study
Revista Argentina de Parasitolog¡a (8)
de Oliveira, T.G.; Peters, F.B.; Kasper, C.B.; Mazim, F.D.; Soares, J.B.G.; Favarini, M.; de Meira, L.P.; Pereira, A.R.; Tortato, M.A.; Marques, R.V.; Schneider, A. 2018 Project wild cats of Brazil: contributions towards small cat conservation - a demographic, home range and distribution assessment for cat conservation in Brazil
Conference Proceeding
Lucherini, M.; Reppucci, J.I.; Soler, L.; Gonzalez, A.; Ciccia, P.G.; Palacios, R.; Pereira, J.A.; Zapata, S. 2018 Analizando los esfuerzos para la conservaci¢n de carn¡voros terrestres en Argentina
Gayana (82)
Migliorini, R.P.; Peters, F.B.; Favarini, M.O.; Kasper, C.B. 2018 Trophic ecology of sympatric small cats in the Brazilian Pampa
PLoS ONE (13)
Bezerra, A.M.R.; Bordallo, S.U.;, 2018 Neotropical felid specimens at the Museu Paraense Emilio Goeldi: species, distribution, and morphometric data
Papeis Avulsos de Zoologia (58)
Bandeli, M. 2018 Why does natural home range size predict captive carnivora welfare?
Full Book
Torres, T.F.; Pardinas, U.F.J.; Chemisquy, M.A. 2018 The mammals of la Rioja, eight decades after Yepes (Los mam¡feros de la Rioja, ocho d‚cadas despu‚s de Yepes)
Revista del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales n.s. (20)
Buenavista, S.; Palomares, F. 2018 The role of exotic mammals in the diet of native carnivores from South America
Mammal Review (48)
Ruiz-Garc¡a, M.; Pinedo-Castro, M.; Shostell, J.M. 2018 Small spotted bodies with multiple specific mitochondrial DNAs: existence of diverse and differentiated tigrina lineages or species (_Leopardus _spp: _Felidae_, _Mammalia_) throughout Latin America
Mitochondrial DNA Part A (29)
L¢pez, J.M. 2018 Skeletal remains of micromammals recovered in archaeological sites of northern Mendoza for contexts corresponding to the late Holocene: a zooarchaeological, taphonomic and paleoenvironmental approach
Full Book
Rimoldi, P.G.; Chimento, N.R. 2018 Diversity of medium and large native mammals in the Carcara¤  River Basin, Santa Fe Province, Argentina
Revista del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales (20)
Nascimento, F.O.; Feijo, A. 2017 Taxonomic revision of the tigrina_ Leopardus tigrinus_ (Schreber, 1775) species group (Carnivorea, Felidae)
Pap‚is Avulsos de Zoologia (57)
Manfredi, C.; Soler, L.; Lucherini, M.; Casanave, E.B. 2017 Spacial and social organisation of Geoffroy's cat in a meadow area on the coast (Organizaci¢n espacial y social del gato mont‚s (Oncifelis geoffroyi) en un  rea de pastizal costero) 
Manejo de Fauna silvestre en Amazonia y Latinoam‚rica
Alberts, C.C.; Saranholi, B.H.; Frei, F.; Galetti, P.M.J. 2017 Comparing hair-morphology and molecular methods to identify fecal samples from Neotropical felids
PLoS ONE (12)
Amstislavsky, S.Y.; Kozhevnikova, V.V.; Muzika, V.V.; Kizilova, E.A. 2017 Reproductive biology and a genome resource bank of Felidae
Russian Journal of Developmental Biology (48)
Lopez, J.M.; Rosi, M.I.; Tabeni, S.; Bender, B.; Chiavazza, H. 2017 Taphonomic analysis of small bone remains preyed upon by wildcats from the central Monte Desert (Mendoza, Argentina)
Boreas (46)
Antonio, S.B.; Ceruti, R.D.; Scaglione, M.C.; Picione, G.; Refinetti, R. 2017 Daily rhythmicity of behavior of nine species of South American feral felids in captivity
Physiology and Behavior (180)
Correa, L.L.C.; Silva, D.E.; de Oliveira, S.V.; Grohmann Finger, J.V.; dos Santos, C.R.; Petry, M.V. 2017 Vertebrate road kill survey on a highway in southern Brazil
Acta Scientiarum Biological Sciences (39)
Goitom, A.H. 2017 Identification of the putative urinary intraspecific recognition pheromone of the caracal _Caracal caracal_
Full Book
Novaro, A.J.; Gonz lez, A.; Pailacura, O.; Bolgeri, M.J.; Hertel, M.F.; Funes, M.C.; Walker, R.S. 2017 Management of the conflict between carnivores and livestock in Patagonia using mixed-breed guarding dogs
Mastozoolog¡a Neotropical (24)
Da Rosa, R.G. 2017 Ethnozoological analysis of fauna in SÆo Louren‡o do Sul
Full Book
Tirelli, F.P. 2017 Ecological analyses of two felid species (_Leopardus geoffroyi_ and _L. colocolo_) in anthropised areas of the Uruguayan Savannah
Full Book
Caruso, N.; Luengos Vidal, E.; Guerisoli, M.; Lucherini, M. 2016 Carnivore occurrence: do interview-based surveys produce unreliable results?
Caruso, N.; Lucherini, M.; Fortin, D.; Casanave, E.B. 2016 Species-Specific Responses of Carnivores to Human-Induced Landscape Changes in Central Argentina
PLoS ONE (11)
Gantchoff, M.G.; Belant, J.L. 2016 Patterns of coexistence between two mesocarnivores in northern Patagonia in the presence of invasive hares and anthropogenic disturbance
Austral Ecology (41)
Perez-Irineo, G.; Santos-Moreno, A. 2016 Abundance and activity patterns of medium-sized felids (Felidae, Carnivora) in southeastern Mexico
The Southwestern Naturalist (61)
Li, G.; Davis, B.W.; Eizirik, E.; Murphy, W.J. 2016 Phylogenomic evidence for ancient hybridization in the genomes of living cats (Felidae)
Genome Research (26)
Canon-Franco, W.A.; Lopez-Orozco, N.; Christoff, A.U.; de Castilho, C.S.; de Araujo, F.A.P.; Verma, S.K.; Dubey, J.P.; Soares, R.M.; Gennari, S.M. 2016 Molecular and morphologic characterization of _Sarcocystis felis_ in South American wild felids from Brazil
Veterinary Parasitology (217)
Espinosa, C.C.; Galiano, D.; Kubiak, B.B.; Marinho, J.R. 2016 Medium- and large-sized mammals in a steppic savanna area of the Brazilian Pampa: survey and conservation issues of a poorly know fauna
Brazilian Journal of Biology (76)
Kasper, C.B.; Peters, F.B.; Christoff, A.U.; de Freitas, T.R.O. 2016 Trophic relationships of sympatric small carnivores in fragmented landscapes of southern Brazil: niche overlap and potential for competition
Mammalia (80)
Sakai, S.T.; Arsznov, B.M.; Hristova, A.E.; Yoon, E.J.; Lundrigan, B.L. 2016 Big cat coalitions: a comparative analysis of regional brain volumes in Felidae
Frontiers in Neuroanatomy (10)
Melo, L.F.; Silva, D.d.S.; Vieira, F.C.; Mello, W.C.d 2016 History and perspective of the conservation status of wild cats occuring in Brazil, considering studies from 1945 to 2014
Revista presen‡a (2)
Arias-Alzate, A.; Gonz lez-Maya, J.F.; Arroyo-Cabrales, J.; Mart¡nez-Meyer, E. 2016 Wild felid range shift due to climatic constraints in the Americas: a bottleneck explanation for extinct felids?
Journal of Mammalian Evolution (24)
Peters, F.; Mazim, F.D.; Favarini, M.O.; Soares, J.B.G.; Oliveira, T. 2016 Preventive or retaliative hunting of felines in the extreme south of Brasil
Book Chapter

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)