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As a standard, we used in every reference the scientific name of the species and the country concerned as keywords. For the countries, we used codes consisting of a number for the continent or region and two letters for the country. Articles concerning whole regions (continents a. o.) got the abbreviation of the continent. You can find all codes in the file Country Codes Cat Library. We added keywords to methods, themes, regions, subject and others topics.


            125 items matching your query were found in the database.  

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Sartor, C.C. 2023 Population structure of _Leopardus colocolo_ (Carnivora, Felidae): defining demographic units for the conservation of the species in Brazil
Full Book
Distel, A.; Di Bitetti, M.S.; Cirignoli, S.; Di Blanco, Y.E.; Pereira, J.A. 2023 The last stronghold of Mu¤oa's Pampas cat (_Leopardus munoai_) in Argentina?
Journal for Nature Conservation (74)
µlvarez Pinna, C.M.; L¢pez, M.J.; Pereira, J.A. 2023 New record of the Uruguayan pampas cat _Leopardus munoai_ (Xim‚nez, 1961) (Mammalia: Carnivora: Felidae) in the center of Uruguay
Notas sobre Mam¡feros Sudamericano (5)
Cayoja, H.B.; Greminger, M.A.; Feijo, A.; Nascimento, F.O. 2022 New records of the Pantanal cat in Bolivia
Cat News (75)
Hurtado, C.M.; Garc¡a-Olaechea, A.; G lvez, N.; de Oliveira, T.G.; Palacios, G.; Ram¡rez-Fern ndez, J.D.; Tirelli, F.P.; Weston, M.; Sanderson, J. 2022 Small wild cat working groups of the Neottropics: results of the first group leaders meeting
Cat News (76)
Ramirez, J.L.; Lescroart, J.; Figueir¢, H.V.; Torres-Florez, J.P.; Villela, P.M.S.; Coutinho, L.L.; Freitas, P.D.; Johnson, W.E.; Antunes, A.; Galetti, P.M.J.; Eizirik, E. 2022 Genomic Signatures of Divergent Ecological Strategies in a Recent Radiation of Neotropical Wild Cats
Molecular Biology and Evolution (39)
Tirelli, F.P.; Trigo, T.C.; Queirolo, D.; Benhur Kasper, C.; Bou, N.; Peters, F.; Mazim, F.D.; Mart¡nez-Lanfranco, J.A.; Gonz lez, E.M.; Espinosa, C.; Favarini, M.; Gon‡alvezs da Silva, L.; MacDonald, D.W.; Lucherini, M.; Eizirik, E. 2021 High extinction risk and limited habitat connectivity of Mu¤oa's pampas cat, an endemic felid to the Uruguayan Savanna ecoregion
Journal of Nature Conservation (62)
Aximoff, I.; Sales, D.; Painkow, E.; Barquero, G.; Rosa, C.; Caravaggi, A. 2021 Melanism in the Brazilian pampas cat and range extension in the Atlantic Forest, Brazil
Cat News (74)
Mugerwa, B.; Adhya, T.; Ratnayaka, A.; Thudugala, A.; Napolitano, C.; Sanderson, J. 2020 Are we doing enough to protect the World's small wild cats?
Cat News (71)
Nascimento, F.O.; Cheng, J.; Feijo, A. 2020 Taxonomic revision of the pampas cat _Leopardus colocola_ complex (Carnivora: Felidae): an integrative approach
Zoological Journal of the Linnean Scoiety (191)
Reis, F.C.; Minuzzi-Souza, T.T.C.; Neiva, M.; Timb¢, R.V.; de Morais, I.O.B.; de Lima, T.M.; Hecht, M.; Nitz, N.; Gurgel-Gon‡alves, R. 2020 Trypanosomatid infections in captive wild mammals and potential vectors at the Brasilia Zoo, Federal District, Brazil
Veterinary Medicine and Science (6)
Da Silva Santos, A.; Trigo, T.C.; de Oliveira, T.G.; Silveira, L.; Eizirik, E. 2019 Phylogeographic analyses of the pampas cat (_Leopardus colocola_; Carnivora, Felidae) reveal a complex demographic history
Genetics and Molecular Biology (41)
Bou, N.; Cuyckens, G.A.E.; Gonzalez, E.M.; Meneghel, M. 2019 Conservation planning in Uruguay based on small felids (_Leopardus spp_.) as umbrella species
Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment (54)
Monticelli, C.; Nogali, O. 2019 Study of the reproductive behaviour of the pampas cat_ Leopardus colocola_ (Molina, 1782) (_Carnivora: Felidae_) in a captive environment
Revista Brasileira de Zoociˆncias (20)
Aguirre, L.F.; Tarifa, T.; Wallace, R.B.; Bernal, N.; Siles, L.; Aliaga-Rossel, E.; Salazar-Bravo, J. 2019 Updated and annotated checklist of mammals from Bolivia
Ecolog¡a en Bolivia (54)
Pitchenin, L.C.; Maruyama, F.H.; Morgado de Oliveira, T.; Dutra, V.; Nakazato, L. 2019 Occurrence of hemoplasmas in free-ranging and captive wild felines
Brazilian Journal of Infectious Diseases (23)
Tinasi, A.L.S.N.; Couto, L.A.; Couto, C.M.V.; Bruno, H.; Junior, P.M.G. 2019 Genetic analysis of hybridization in cats
Nucleus Animalium (11)
Alpaca Urquizo, J.J. 2019 Identification and analysis of baseline times of the mining to optimize the production process in the Inmaculada Operative United
Full Book
Tolentino, N.; Pinheiro, G.R.G.; Ottino, J.; de Oliveira, A.R.; Coelho, C.M.; Tinoco, H.P.; Fujiwara, R.T.; Santos, R.L.; Ribeiro, V.M. 2019 Serological evidence of _Leishmania _infection by employing ELISA and rapid tests in captive felids and canids in Brazil
Veterinary Parasitology: Regional Studies and Reports (17)
de Souza Junior, P.; Viotto-Souza, W.; Mendes, V.P.; Bernardes, F.C.S.; Dos Anjos, B.L.; Abidu-Figueiredo, M.; Santos, A.L.Q. 2019 Clavicle in carnivorans: A forgotten bone
The anatomical record (303)
Gaulke, S.; Martelli, E.; Johnson, L.; Letelier, C.G.; Dawson, N.; Nelson, C.R. 2019 Threatened and endangered mammals of Chile: Does research align with conservation information needs?
Conservation Science and Practice (1)
Caires, H.S.; Souza, C.R.; Lobato, D.N.C.; Fernandes, M.N.S.; Damasceno, J.S. 2019 Roadkilled mammals in the northern Amazon region and comparisons with roadways in other regions of Brazil
Iheringia, S‚rie Zoologia (109)
D¡az-Ruiz, F.; Caro, J.; Ferreras, P.; Delibes-Mateos, M. 2019 Assessing mammal community composition in the Huinay Biological Reserve (Chile) through questionnaire surveys: biases associated with respondents
Galemys (31)
Vermunt, D.A.; Nijsen, M.; Immerzeel, D.J.; Silveira, L.; Verweij, P.A. 2019 Biodiversity in a fragmented sugarcane landscape
Dean, W.R.J.; Seymour, C.L.; Joseph, G.S.; Foord, S.H. 2019 A Review of the Impacts of Roads on Wildlife in Semi-Arid Regions
Diversity (11)
de Oliveira, T.G.; Peters, F.B.; Kasper, C.B.; Mazim, F.D.; Soares, J.B.G.; Favarini, M.; de Meira, L.P.; Pereira, A.R.; Tortato, M.A.; Marques, R.V.; Schneider, A. 2018 Project wild cats of Brazil: contributions towards small cat conservation - a demographic, home range and distribution assessment for cat conservation in Brazil
Conference Proceeding
Garcia Olaechea, A.; Hurtado, C.M. 2018 Ecology and conservation of Pampas cat_ Leopardus colocolo_ in northwestern Peru
Conference Proceeding
Appel, A.; Mukherjee, S.; Cheyne, S.M. 2018 First International Small Wild Cat Conservation Summit
Conference Proceeding
Lucherini, M.; Reppucci, J.I.; Soler, L.; Gonzalez, A.; Ciccia, P.G.; Palacios, R.; Pereira, J.A.; Zapata, S. 2018 Analizando los esfuerzos para la conservaci¢n de carn¡voros terrestres en Argentina
Gayana (82)
Migliorini, R.P.; Peters, F.B.; Favarini, M.O.; Kasper, C.B. 2018 Trophic ecology of sympatric small cats in the Brazilian Pampa
PLoS ONE (13)
Tellaeche, C.G.; Reppucci, J.I.; Morales, M.M.; Vidal, E.M.L.; Lucherini, M. 2018 External and skull morphology of the Andean cat and Pampas cat: new data from the high Andes of Argentina
Journal of Mammalogy (99)
Bandeli, M. 2018 Why does natural home range size predict captive carnivora welfare?
Full Book
Torres, T.F.; Pardinas, U.F.J.; Chemisquy, M.A. 2018 The mammals of la Rioja, eight decades after Yepes (Los mam¡feros de la Rioja, ocho d‚cadas despu‚s de Yepes)
Revista del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales n.s. (20)
Buenavista, S.; Palomares, F. 2018 The role of exotic mammals in the diet of native carnivores from South America
Mammal Review (48)
da Costa, A.L.M. 2018 Application of infrared termographic images in aiding diagnostics of ex-situ felids and canids
Full Book
de Almeida, M.L.A.; Santos, C.A.B. 2018 Diagnosis of fauna apprehension in the semi-arid region of Bahia: an analysis from the environmenral notices of violation
International Journal of Development Research (8)
Arantes, L.G. 2018 Effects of cryopreservation on the viability of fibroblasts of wild cats
Full Book
Reis, F.C. 2018 Trypanosomatids in wild mammals and potential insect vectors in Brasilia Zoo
Full Book
Breviglieri, C.P.; Castro, M.C.; Ribeiro, D.C.; de Oliveira, L.Ã.‡; Dias, J.H.P.; Montefeltro, F.C. 2018 First confirmed records of the Pantanal Cat,_ Leopardus colocola braccatus_ (Cope, 1889), in the state of SÆo Paulo, Brazil
Check List (14)
L¢pez, J.M. 2018 Skeletal remains of micromammals recovered in archaeological sites of northern Mendoza for contexts corresponding to the late Holocene: a zooarchaeological, taphonomic and paleoenvironmental approach
Full Book
D¡az, I.G.A. 2018 Infrastructure to implement and improve the receptive capacity and tourist offering of the touristic and recreational use area of Cutervo National Park
Full Book
Zanardo, G.L.P. 2018 Construction of wildlife passages on highways for the survival of wild animals
Full Book
Cossa, N.A.; Fasola, L.; Roesler, I.; Reboreda, J.C. 2018 Incubating Upland Goose (_Chloephaga picta_) differential response to livestock, human, and predator nest disturbance
The Wilson Journal of Ornithology (130)
Rimoldi, P.G.; Chimento, N.R. 2018 Diversity of medium and large native mammals in the Carcara¤  River Basin, Santa Fe Province, Argentina
Revista del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales (20)
Chapa Gr ndez, S.P. 2018 Green marketing strategies as a promotional plan proposal to contribute to the sustainable tourist use of the Milpuj La Heredad Private Conservation Area, El Chillo, Magdalena, Amazonas - Peru, 2016
Full Book
Lopez, J.M.; Rosi, M.I.; Tabeni, S.; Bender, B.; Chiavazza, H. 2017 Taphonomic analysis of small bone remains preyed upon by wildcats from the central Monte Desert (Mendoza, Argentina)
Boreas (46)
Pino Charaja, A.G. 2017 Presencia de _Leopardus jacobita_ _Leopardus colocolo_ y su importancia socio-cultural en el distrito de Ayaviri de la region Puno, Peru
Full Book
Goitom, A.H. 2017 Identification of the putative urinary intraspecific recognition pheromone of the caracal _Caracal caracal_
Full Book
Novaro, A.J.; Gonz lez, A.; Pailacura, O.; Bolgeri, M.J.; Hertel, M.F.; Funes, M.C.; Walker, R.S. 2017 Management of the conflict between carnivores and livestock in Patagonia using mixed-breed guarding dogs
Mastozoolog¡a Neotropical (24)
Silva, T.D.P.; Dreyer, M.O.; Back, F.P.; Lacerda, L.A.; Damasceno, A.D.; Ara£jo, L.B.M.; de Sant'Ana, F.J.F.; Fioravanti, M.C.S. 2017 AB blood group system in neotropical felids and compatibility with domestic cats
Arquivo Brasileiro de Medicina Veterin ria e Zootecnia (69)

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)