Tadeu de Oliveira Maranhão State University - UEMA & Instituto Pró-Carnívoros, Cidade Universitária Paulo VI, P.O. Box 09
65055-310 São Luis, Maranhao, Brazil
tadeu4(at)yahoo.com member since 1995
I am a Professor at Maranhão State University (UEMA) and researcher for Instituto Pró-Carnívoros. My main interests are the ecology, conservation and natural history of felids, other carnivores and endangered species. Currently I am leading a long-term, continental-wide conservation program on the smaller Neotropical felids: Wild Cats Americas Conservation Program, which is doing hard-core conservation actions, population monitoring, status assessment, and understanding their ecology and natural history.I am the founder and current chair of the Tiger Cats Conservation Intiative (TCCI) (http://tigercatsconservation.com/), and founding member of the Ocelot/Margay/Jagarundi Working Group and Pampas Cats Working Group.